rm gave me a gorgeous bracelet (at some point, I'll take a picture of it and post it -- IHNIIHBT fans will get a kick out of it, I think);
hofnarr, some awesome Whovian comics; Dave took me to see Chicago & Tam took me to see Le Corsaire.
I can't wait till the death trinkets begin to roll in! (Kidding. Obviously.)
But TONIGHT there was, courtesy of
faris_nallaneen the spectacular surprise of seeing Neil Gaiman & Amanda Palmer at Housingworks, where among other things, they read, sang, told stories, held hands and gazed adoringly at each other like total cuties (!!!) and finally came out of the closet and admitted that they are fucking dating. (All forms of punctuation appear to apply.)
It was the bit where they asked each other questions (supplied by audience) and Amanda says, "Ooh! I like this question... because I want to hear what you're going to say..."
And Neil says, "uh...."
And Amanda says, "So Neil,
given that you and Amanda Palmer were naked in a bathtub together on twitter, are you going to admit that you're fucking dating or what?"
Then she blinked at him expectantly, and he stuttered, "Seriously???"
And then said very quietly, "yes, we've been dating for months."
And then Kali yelled said in a penetrating whisper, "Duh!" (I'd had a few glasses of wine by then.)
They gazed into each other's eyes some more, and then said: "AWKWARD!" and moved on. To Amanda auctioning off "Who Killed Amanda Palmer" + some used stockings for $1300. (!!!)
It was a great night.
There were also steamed clams with fennel and bacon, and an utterly divine caramel balsamic gelato. Mmmmmm.
I love Amanda Palmer. I want to buy all her albums.
TOMORROW THERE WILL BE FIC WRITING, OMG. I promise, you guys. (Especially Rach!)
Also, David Eddings is dead. Weird. I have a more contemplate-y post about authors and celebrity and memory, but that will wait for when I am not tired, achy, and soaked by incidental rainstorm.