Title: The Spectacular Catastrophe of Your Endless Childhood
Pairing/Characters: Ianto [Ianto/OFCs, Ianto/Lisa]
rm &
kalichanRating/Warning: NC-17, het, pre-slash
Summary: The early education and adventures of Ianto Jones.
Wordcount: ~11,000 [posted in 2 parts]
Authors' Note: This is a prequel to our Jack/Ianto series,
I Had No Idea I Had Been
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I think I'm going to start doing fic recs from a literary point of view on my lj. It'll probably turn into a procrastination tool after my sabbatical starts next semester. (I'm planning a project that relates fan work to narrative theory.)
How very cool. I'm writing my dissertation currently (theoretically, very, very theoretically; my procrastinating powers are mighty), and it's ended up being a lot about fan work and narrative. I'll look forward to your fic recs.
A beta male trapped in the role of an alpha male.
I think that's very interesting, and very true. Jack, to me, is fascinating because he is coded so aggressively, and yet often responds in ways that we often think of as feminine. There's absolutely no way in which he couldn't be considered badass, but at the same time, his flirtation is so very "come-hither." I find the construction of masculinity implied to be quite daring.
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