Title: To Learn This Holding And The Holding Back
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh, Gwen, Owen
rm &
kalichanRating/Warning: NC-17, mostly plot this time, with a serving of porn for dessert.
Summary: With every night, a morning after. Jack and Ianto try to cope.
Author's Notes: Concludes the triptych begun with
A Strange Fashion of Forsaking
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I like Ianto stomping around, so pissed off at Jack for just leaving - let alone the thing with the car - considering what happened last time Jack borrowed his car, he should be! Tosh's observation at the very beginning of the story - he'd saunter in after a night of who knows what, or rather who knows who, around six - tells us that this is just what Jack does, and I doubt it occurs to him that it isn't very nice, and especially if he treats someone he has this not-quite-defined-but-certainly-more-than-a-pickup relationship with that way!
The dance scene is great. Ianto's just so appalled, and Jack's so clueless about it, and yet he comes up with a solution - or two solutions - get Ianto to dance with a girl (something he's comfortable with), and get him -relaxed-.
ETA - how did I not comment on the sex scene? DAMN, that was a good sex scene. Yes.
Actually, the fact that at both the beginning and end of the story Jack leaves Ianto sleeping, but that at the end it's all right - I do love that.
I was thinking that in canon, Jack can get drunk, or at least he could when the Victorian lesbians got hold of him - but it occurs to me that things change for him as time goes on - like sleeping - so I'll accept it.
(Forgive my jumbled coherence, I'm taking major pain pills today. This story was an excellent distraction.)
I am glad you liked the sex scene. It was brief and the subject of a lot of discussion about how it was going to go, and Iwe were really pleased with how it sorted out, but unsure how it would read to others.
Alcohol and the kiss of life situation are sort of the two great canon inconsistences that I find it almost impossible to write around if the fic skirts near anything related to either topic. For me this choice comes out of having to make one somehow and my interest in Jack's relationship to self-control, both of the sort he's striving for and te sort he got stuck with. Jack never asked for this, and he makes that plain often. One of the real reasons I have such a passion for this show is that it's the antithesis of the vampire romance. Living forever and being beautiful and cold sort of actually sucks and Jack is a child struggling with that.
Hope the pain pills keep doing their job and that you won't need them soon.
It occurs to me that one of the very few ways Jack can lose control is in sex.
Yeah, obviously what inspired Ianto to do that - not to mention that he came after Jack came back - is something they're both going to be wondering about, and looking for an explanation for, or more than one even.
Also so glad you liked the dance scene. We were really into it, but not sure how it was going to go over, so seriously great to know it worked for you.
The alcohol thing is because alcohol works by poisoning you? So when carbon monoxide doesn't work...but yeah, they are not always very good about thinking things through logically in canon. Which is annoying. Don't get me started on the Owen "I have no breath" thing. Yeah, okay dude. How exactly are you talking?? They used to do this in vampire shows too for dramatic effect, and it drives me bonkers.
Sorry for the ramble & thanks again for commenting, esp. when you feel so meh!
And thanks - hopefully this stuff will get straightened out right away.
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