Jul 17, 2017 07:05
Wandering around somewhere abroad - presumably the UK, based on the dream details - with my 'parents'. At one point, they told me we'd be having an audience with the Queen (!). I, however, wandered off, started walking around the city (presumably London?) with two young women. Not sure how much I knew them, but I started to get that 'should get back; will miss audience...' feeling. They, on the other hand, seemed dismissive of that or at least said they'd not go (if they had the chance?), but from shyness, apparently.
I headed back and at some point felt I'd found my mom, but she was standing doing something on a little stage with two other women, and also she kind of looked more like Hilary Clinton (!!) at that moment. I expressed guilt over being late getting back, and tried to get a clear answer from her; had I missed the audience? Didn't get a clear answer by the time the alarm woke me up.
urban wanderings,
hilary clinton,