Today is the blah blah blah

May 08, 2006 10:43

Gods it's been a long time since I've updated. Lots of stuff has been happening, some externally, most internally. As to the internal stuff, I've been wondering just how much I want to put here - just how much do I want to share how completely fucking nuts I am. As well as how I feel about being that exposed. It's a question of embarrassment, shame, & humiliation really. I'm embarrassed, shamed, and humiliated by how completely screwed up the inner workings of my mind are - the question is: do I want to go there here or on paper. Since the journey has to be taken, unfortunately. It may be a moot point.

Anyhoo, I've been filling up my spare time by playing A LOT of World of Warcraft - two good friends helped me to find my feet, and I'm having WAY too much fun with it! I've also been stuffing myself with Buffy/Angel slashy goodness! Specifically Xander/Spike/Angel slash - hhhmmmm slashhhhhhhhh.

Noticed a few changes here since I've been gone - "current location"? hmmmm

slash, randomness

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