Jan 04, 2006 11:27
Back to work after what feels like a long time - was it really 2 weeks? Not sure. Feeling better though I still have crap in my lungs *cough cough*. The good thing about that is that I've decided to stop smoking! 3 chest colds in one year is way too much - especially when I consider the fact that I had none before I started!
Started Nutrasystem around mid-december, and the weight is just falling off! Wow. It's kinda amazing really. I need a new pair of jeans, the one pair I have seems to be falling off of me - not that I'm complaining of course! Now that my blood sugar is on an even keel, my mental faculties are so much clearer! It's nice not feeling like a raving lunatic and being tired all the time! I'm looking forward to shrinking, and finally giving my "fat clothes" to Goodwill!
Part of my plan for nurturing myself is to take myself on "dates" at least once a week. A movie is an obvious choice, but part of the purpose is to get out and meet people. You don't tend to meet folks during an afternoon matinee! LOL The plan is to get out the local indie paper, and pick something to go to every week. It makes me nervous - I'd rather stay indoors holed-up in my room, but that is rather counter-productive. Damn my hermit tendencies!
Rented a bunch of movies last night. Surprisingly one is "The Scarlet Letter" with Demi Moore & GARY OLDMAN *sigh*. That man. That delicious, beautiful man! I don't care about the story! As a matter of fact, since I know where the story is going, I just might prefer to turn off the sound and DROOL! Yeah, he is one of a handful of actors that get me all weak-kneed... Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Pierce Brosnan, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Liam Neeson, and Val Kilmer. Weird huh?
You may notice that four of the seven are native to the UK. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm a sucker for the accents of folks from the British Isles. Scottish especially. There's a bit in "Love Actually" about this kid who couldn't get laid to save his life, so he decides to go to the US cause American women go nuts for a British accent, so he can get laid! So he flies to MILWAUKEE of all places, and goes into the first bar he sees, and proceeds to pick up FOUR girls! OK an exaggeration, but a pretty funny bit all the same. If you've never seen the movie, I highly recommend it - it's the best Christmas movie (that's not a Christmas movie, if you know what I mean) that I know of. Anyway, I don't understand the pavlovian response, I really don't - it's only UK accents - French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, German, etc do nothing for me!
Which reminds me - ok this is REALLY embarrassing. I realized just yesterday where my Snape fetish comes from! When I was in high school (went to a Lutheran high school) we had this Pastor who WAS Snape! LOL He chose the ascetic life, so he wore the "old fashioned" clerical garb - in black of course. He had THE VOICE - oh god his voice! He had a sharp sarcastic wit that went over most peoples heads. He was tall, but his features weren't all that attractive - especially with the coke-bottle glasses he wore. I can totally imagine Snape as a cleric - and I realize now where it comes from. It's pretty odd when I think about it. At the time, I don't remember having a crush on the Pastor, although I did enjoy talking to him & being around him. God, the things that get imprinted! LOL
weight loss,