Seriously, why do I try to go to bed at a "reasonable" hour when I end up laying in bed trying to sleep? These days I don't fall asleep til dawn, so I should stop fooling myself and go to bed at dawn and be done with it.
Stumbled across a wankfest today, and it warmed the cockles of my cold, cold heart! Heh. I love my drama-free life, doesn't mean I don't like to sit on the sidelines and watch the fur fly! Granted I have the occasional emotional moment, to which I'll admit to being triggered - usually by jealously on my part or maybe it's envy, whatever... Where was I? Triggered, right - then I post the rant in my private corner of the Internet and that's it.
Maybe that's why I find teh wank so fascinating. People just losing their minds in very public places on the Internet for everybody to see, trip over, and in turn lose their minds - its like a perpetual motion machine.
Anyway, teh wank du jour? He's 37! How can he date a 22 y/o? He's got a daughter that age!!!!!
Wow. Really? Have you seen said 22 y/o? She's young, nubile, and not worldly enough to be a threat. Du-uh.
When I was 22, I dated a 44 y/o man who ONLY dated women my age and younger - why? Because it was easier. He had all the answers and I had a truckload of daddy issues. Simple. Some men just don't want an equal... Speaking of which, saw Magic Mike yesterday...
Liked it - LOVED Mr. Tatum's bare ass! Heh. I really need to get laid, it's been too damn long... How cool would it be to have a partner to pick up the occasional chick (or dude) to take to bed? Fuck yeah. Waay off topic... *ahem*
Redirecting... So at the end he realizes where his life is headed and how he's contributed to that - he was going along this easy, fun path which was fine when he was The Kid's age, but was slowly becoming a sadder and sadder parody as he got older - a la Dallas.
I wasn't thrilled about the chick (duh) and the implications of their relationship - it felt to me like she'd be constantly bugging him to "grow up" and "have a family" - the same ole "woman takes man and makes him her project" bullshit. I like that she catalyzed self-reflection in him, I just don't think that he should change into something that she wants him to be, which could easily happen.
I find these little pieces of synchronicity fascinating.
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