Feb 22, 2005 19:47
Here's some drama right from Amanda's Xanga. It makes me sick
"maggie and all you other ppl...i think we should just put this whole thing behind us and just move on with our lives..i don't need to be friends with you guys (i'm putting this nicely) because i don't want to get the reputation you give off. sorry i know you probably don't care, but I don't either..lets just move on."
"all of you guys....i don't know if you wanna still be friends, but maybe i will consider being your friend again, if you will consider trying to not be so fake and not lying about ppl before you know for sure. and believe me, i'm not trying to make myself seem like the only truthful person here...i know that i have lied a few times, but not in this situation...i dont know why maggie is mad at me and what she has told everyone about me but if someone will tell me what it is, then i can tell you myself if it is true or not. dont just assume something is true just by listening to someone...come up and talk to me yourself...dont be afraid, i won't be mean to you, if you wanna talk, just talk to me....but if you dont want to then dont' i dont really care...this one is up to you guys. you can decide if you still wanna be friends, but so far, your actions are not putting you in a very good position. Its up to you, u can do whatever you want, i'll jsut sit and wait and see what happens.
if you don't wanna be my friend, that's fine, and if you do, that's fine also...but if we ever do become friends again, i am not gonna completely ditch the friends i am hanging out with now. i can just be friends with all of you guys. and if you decide you dont wanna be friends, then goodbye, i had fun with you guys."
I have really dramatic friends, i know, but they can be so fucking annoying. They think they are so nice, and wonderful, but they are all the same. Srry, i just needed to vent some frustration.
Did anyone see Hithch? I heard it was good.