Aug 22, 2008 18:57
Edinburgh is the greatest city when the festival is on (to be honest I've never been here any other time so maybe it's ace then too, I don't know). Thousands of people are milling around the streets heading to any one of the hundreds of venues to see any on of the numerous shows that are appearing as part of the half a dozen festivals that run in this city during August. And despite this chaos I can always seem to find who ever I need to on high street.
Having done a month there in 2004 as a punter I felt right at home and knew my way around pretty much immediately. I once again reveled in the beautiful surroundings that make up this city and spent hours on the Royal Mile (High Street etc) people watching. James from MBG was doing his first ever solo show in a cave in the Nicol Edwards (the most haunted pub in Scotland) and was already the most popular boy at the bar before I arrived.
I didn't spend much time at shows much preferring hanging at the bar munching down chips with curry sauce and drinking chocolate soup, but I did catch the MTC (yep other side of the world and I went to an Australian show!) production of The Tell Tale Heart which was excellent. I also went to the nerdiest show of the festival where Dean Haglund (Langly of the Lone Gunmen from x'files and of course the Lone Gunman series) improvised an episode of the x-files live on stage. Very amusing. He's quite a smart guy.
Things to remember from Edinburgh:
STEVE MCQUEEN. (Not the white old guy but the young black guy... Steve McQueen was a legend at the bar... until he left).
James, Steve, two other girls we befriend and myself writing scores on the back of flyers and waiting until the couple across the room who kept playing tonsil hockey were right into it and we held them up judgement style. This was funny enough but even better when she finally noticed she pointed at the 4.6 score and gave the thumbs up while the guy was still chewing on here neck. She took the 4.6 card and told us he was awful and she was going home with out him. He was indignant and took the 9.4 card thinking much more highly of his own prowess apparently.
Catching up with Nick, unexpectedly as my memory is crap and I forgot she was going to the Festival!
The beautiful statue that was for sale out the front to the theatre Circus Oz were performing in and after finally deciding to cough up the 300 pounds to bring here home I got there to find she had been sold a few hours before. (I'm over it now but I was heart broken!)