Jan 08, 2008 22:05
Hello to anyone out there.
Things are rollicking along in my little corner of the universe. Two weeks until I move and I can't wait. We'll see if I still feel like that when I'm in the middle of moving! I'm having a huge garage sale this Saturday. I've sorted most of my stuff but I am yet to price everything. I'm a bit over that game now, but soon it will all be over.
Physio has been hell for the last few weeks but I am starting to feel the benefits. Not sure how much longer I'll be in there but my physio was very pleased with it today. The worst day was NYE. He pummled me so much that I woke up in the new year with bruises. Ouchie!
New person at work is growing on me as she is loosening up . Soon there will be a new assistant and I can make my side step to my new job looking after digital marketing which i am really looking forward too. We finally completed the online shop and it is fantastic. It's going to save us lots of time and now we can sell merchandise around the world without any hassle. It's very exciting and I'm really enjoying the opportunity to be focus on the online side of things.
James is back and has taken a position with the circus band which is great. I'm really enjoying getting to see him and Steph has finally made the move to Melburne which is also fantastic. I'm loving that more of my friends are coming home and soon I'll be right in the centre of it all.
Saw I am Legend the other night which was okay. I'm getting close to finishing Shantaram which I have thoroughly enjoyed and I'm sure I will miss the same way I missed the characters from Roots when I finished. Am I the only one who does that? I always seem to miss characters once I've finished the book, especially if it's been quite lengthy.
Holidays were kind ofg ood but also a bit stressful. Family things always seem to be at the moment. I just don't think I'm too sociable at the moment. Being very sick through the holidays has been a bore (I've had the most awful flu). NYE left me feeling incredibly ill after walking home in 42 degree heat, bruised from physio and with a killer flu. I piked on poor Steph and her parents who had just arrived from Brisbane and went to bed at 11pm. The really hot weather is a bit crap and I'm ready for a change in the seasons. Walking to work in the rain though might have me wishing for summer again.
All and all lots of plans, lots to do but things are looking bright and rosie.
Hope it's the same for everyone else out there.