Apr 09, 2007 21:12
humans are such fickle animals. i haven't written in these er.. for want of a better word, "pages" for many moons, only to discover that these "pages" have been all but abandoned by there former glory days and my many friends that used to litter the "pages" here abouts.. are all but gone.(with a few exceptions.) im now wondering were everyone went. if its to msns yourspace, or myspace, or one of the myriad of other places on the net? it also makes me wonder what has kept me from my occasional rantings on my life and other such fun things, but this lead me to think that the lack of adventure and other occurrences that are publishable to the general populace of my close and extended friend network is, well, kind of an issue. my life is, well... well. there are no real problems or adventures. im plodding along in my dead end, brain dead job quite happily, im slothing around with my sweet, adorable, slightly crazy boy, that is too sweet, and too annoying for words, and missing my friends a lot, as his house is only recently become suitable for having guests over, and mum and the steps dont leave the manor as often as i would like. but the thing that realy gets under my skin and irritates me most, is the fact that im getting old. i actualy am enjoying quiet time, and going to bed before 2am, and waking up before 1pm. its scaring my hair grey. im old. im nearly thirty. oh that reminds me.... i still havent decided on what exactly im going t odo for my birthday this year, but i do know it will be big, as it will be the last for several years. all suggestions are welcome. and now i shall go and clean my plate, and get ready for bed. like i said im getting old! goodnight.oh, but before i go, goodluck to lorvor and pete in there new and awsome house. and thanks to everyone for coming to dinner the other night, im trying to convince the boy to do something like it again, or at least catch up with every one that we missed in this last round. ttfn.