I fully expected President Obama to come out in a tux and holding a flute of champagne when he appeared Sunday night to deliver the news about Osama Bin Laden. I also expected him to look like this:
Opportunities lost, Mr. President.
(Okay, I kid, I kid. His statement was concise and appropriately sober in tone. But you KNOW there was a private party at the White House that night, and you know that the President high fived at least one person.)
I'm torn about releasing the picture of his body. I surely won't be looking at it because it sound entirely gruesome, but given that some people actually still think the U.S. didn't assassinate Bin Laden, I think it's necessary to provide visual proof.
Was anyone surprised that he was hiding in Pakistan? The country that has almost openly given aid and succor to Al Qaeda for years? Really not surprised here.