Hey, Merlin! Look at this motherf**king griffin!

Jul 09, 2009 10:39

Wow, people. I know that NBC has been on a serious anglophilic kick in its programming over the last three years, and that Merlin is the first British series to air (in prime time!) on mainstream American network television in a couple of decades, and I hope that you all don't pillory me for saying this (because I've got Merlin fans on ye esteemed ( Read more... )

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civilbloodshed July 9 2009, 19:04:08 UTC
1.) In a lot of ways, no, it doesn't get better. SFX-wise, it's really all crap. Historical accuracy is a pipe dream at best. No, the only thing that really gets better is the development of Merlin and Arthur's ~*EPIC DESTINY*~

2.) Everyone is a dick on this show except for Gwen, but that's just because they haven't given her time to grow. The fact that Arthur's a giant douchenozzle is actually a key point in the series' premise.

3.) It could be worse. It could be Robin Hood.


kali921 July 9 2009, 19:12:21 UTC

I'm a sucker for period pieces (although my favorites, of course, are decadent tales set in the 18th century with everyone in powdered wig drag) and Arthurian mythology, so I'm not giving up on it quite yet. This may sound shallow and petty, but I could get into the series more if the wardrobe budget was a bit bigger and if everyone looked more vaguely...Arthurian.

I do like that Merlin is obviously young and hasn't gained his full confidence, but honestly, GIVE HIM MORE SFX - even aborted attempts at magic should have something to light up, you know?


akoya July 9 2009, 20:38:37 UTC
Major LULZ at 3. Is Robin Hood that... not good? I forced myself to watch the first four episodes and got bored. I find Merlin much more captivating.

And having Eve Myles in the first episode totally sucked me in, not gonna lie.


civilbloodshed July 9 2009, 21:20:43 UTC
Robin Hood is SO not good. I mean if you're going for a slash factor, it's a kind of a goldmine, but otherwise it's too ridiculous to stand. I really only saw the last two episodes of the first season, and then the entire second season which is basically the Guy Gisbourne: Warrior-Poet Deputy of Emo-Town show.


STOP THAT. kali921 July 9 2009, 22:01:57 UTC
I really only saw the last two episodes of the first season, and then the entire second season which is basically the Guy Gisbourne: Warrior-Poet Deputy of Emo-Town show.


Ow. My sides. STOP THAT.

See, when I think "European warrior poet," I think Ignatius Loyola. Apparently -- and I just checked, HOLY CRAP! -- the good Tropers agree, because there he is on the Warrior Poet page, AWESOME.


inboots July 10 2009, 04:21:18 UTC
the only thing that really gets better is the development of Merlin and Arthur's ~*EPIC DESTINY*~

I actually thought it got worse, but that's because I'm indifferent to Merlin at best, and find paint drying more interesting than the repetitive Merlin/Arthur stuff.


civilbloodshed July 10 2009, 06:34:00 UTC
Uh, you mean like slashy subtext? Yeah there's that, but I'm just saying that their friendship is really the only thing developed in the series. Which is great because they've accomplished their goal in realizing the entire premise of the show.


inboots July 10 2009, 16:25:15 UTC
No, I'm not interest in the slashy subtext here - I think they're one-note and bland.

I said it got worse because it failed to make Arthur anywhere close to equal in relevance for the ~*EPIC DESTINY*~ you mentioned. What they did accomplish was to establish that Arthur cannot survive (as in at all) without Merlin holding his hand.


civilbloodshed July 10 2009, 17:40:06 UTC
True enough.


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