The mind which plunges into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the best part of childhood

Jul 01, 2009 11:34

So is it just me or is Yahoo flipping out and sending every single e-mail, regardless of the originating address, into everyone's spam folders? And also prompting for passwords over and over again? And ignoring the fact that all the legitimate e-mails I'm getting have addresses that already exist in my Yahoo address book? And ALSO ignoring the fact that I keeping marking these not!spam e-mails as "not spam" and Yahoo STILL doesn't get it? And then going down entirely for hours at a time? Gah!

In other News That Pisses Me Off, the director's cut of Watchmen opens on July 21st...IN ONLY FOUR THEATERS. I was all set to see the Snyder's director's cut in order to better gauge the totality of his interpretation, but it won't be playing in the Bay Area. However, the director's cut, which might as well be called Watchmen: Now With Less Art House and 25% More Pointless Fight Scenes, will also be screened at Comic Con on Saturday, July 25th, and apparently there's a way for people NOT at Comic Con to watch the movie streamed live. This? This I will do if I can find out how.

So what four places can you see the director's cut of Watchmen? Well, a natural assumption would be "alpha predator cities like New York, L.A., Chicago..."

You'd be wrong.

Here's where it's screening:

- AMC Empire 25, 234 W. 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036
- AMC Media Plaza 6 (AKA Town Center 6), 770 N. 1st Street, Burbank, CA 91501
- AMC Mesquite 30, 19919 IH 635, Mesquite, TX 75149
- Kerasotes Block E 15 Theaters, 600 Hennepin Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55403

MESQUITE, TEXAS? I guess Minneapolis is the shout out to Middle America lest accusations be thrown around about favoritism to either coast.

Thanks, Snyder. Thanks.


So I know that Hey, Oscar Wilde! It's CLOBBERIN' TIME! has been around in one form or another since 1998 (and it's taken me that long to post about it?), but on the small chance that you've never seen this website? You need to click through immediately. Hey Oscar Wilde, It's Clobberin' Time is a site that collects artists interpreting their favorite character, author, literary figure, musician, you name it, they post it.

And it's compulsively and repeatedly fantastic. If nothing else, the header graphic alone on the website should be viewed - click that above link, click it now!

Below are some recent examples that had me shrieking in fangirl glee:

Siry Harry Flashman by Dale Berry:

Behemoth by Andy Suriano (YES, YES, YES, YAY, BUT WHERE IS HIS MONOCLE?):

Orson Welles by Ethan Van Sciver:

Madison Washington by Francis Vallejo:

Philip Marlowe by Pia Guerra:

Mary Shelly by Jill Thompason - the DOLL:

This one made me squee: Kip Russell, Peewee, and the Mother Thing by Duncan Fegredo:

Hermann Hesse by Tomm Coker:

While we're on the subject of artgasms, there's a TON of art being posted that came out of Heroes Con, and Chris Samnee is clearly on the roll of all rolls, because...


The chiaroscuro is my new favorite thing ever.

In the Not-So-Shocking Revelations Currently Being Discussed All Over the Blogsphere Department: J. Michael Straczynski leaving Thor. Why? Apparently event fatigue. Way to go, Marvel editorial! While JMS' run is nowhere near the glory days of the Simonsons, he has done a decent job of making the book readable - who knew that I'd ever give a crap about Oklahoma? Or that Loki would come back after Ragnarok as an eyebrowless woman?

Here's something I've been waiting for excitedly for about a year: The de Young Museum has a new exhibit of King Tutankhaman and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. Over 130 pieces of art from Tutankhaman's tomb with every single piece being over three thousand years old. I'm so excited to be going to see this - I'll probably have to go at least twice. KQED did an audio interview with Zahi Hawass, the secretary general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities and the man that put together the exhibit for a world tour, and I'm desperately trying to find an audio clip of the interview because this guy? This guy needs to be the ONLY guy teaching Egyptian history - there's a riveting bit where he describes his passion for ancient Egyptian culture and art and talks about how a dagger in Tut's tomb completely mesmerized him because he could envision Tut thinking about all the fighting that he'd have to do in the afterlife.

Also via Robot 6: a clip with a Grant Morrison interview that is totally and hilariously incomprehensible:

All I got from this is "Tweedledum and Tweedledee," "Batman TV show," "psychedelic," "creepy," "David Lynch," and "Lewis Carroll":

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

It's too bad that precisely none of the above is evident in Morrison's recent Batman work, but Morrison is still GQer than thou (he's really favoring the dapper black and purple suits lately, isn't he?) and he still has the best accent.

egypt, batman, history, wtf, watchmen, j. michael straczynski, film, artgasm, comics, dc, san diego comic con, geographical street cred, omg omg, that is so pimp, grant morrison, orson welles, thor, sci fi, marvel, daredevil

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