PSA: Arriving at an Epistemology and Phenomenology of Basic Self-Preservation

Jun 26, 2009 08:42

Good morning, my friends, comrades, acquaintances and enemies.

I have so much to post for you guys - I'm about three weeks behind! However, this morning I'd like to pause to provide you a visual PSA.

Now that JSA vs. KOBRA #1 has been out for a week, and I can talk about this publicly (and a detailed review forthcoming; in short, BUY IT, IT'S A COMPLETELY KICKASS READ).

It is, of course, written by my friend Eric Trautmann and penciled by Don Kramer, and I have it on good authority that the below panel was put in this issue expressly for my pleasure:

Carter Hall's way of politely asking you to consider an alternate career path:

How do I know that this panel was put in JSA vs. Kobra #1 for me? Because Eric told me.

Suck it, haters. My moment as a Hawkman BNF has arrived.*

Reading this issue, of course, reminded me that I've been meaning to do a series of PSA posts specifically and definitively demonstrating Why You Don't Want to F**k with Hawkman, Any Version Thereof.

Let's get to what should be on the laminated safety card insert that should be memorized by every single human being by the age of five, okay?

"Wait just a sec!" you say. "In a universe where people have power rings, heat vision, and the strength of the gods, why should we worry about some dude with an axe and a pair of wings?**"

This is why - Reason #1 to Never, Ever Screw with Carter Hall:

Yes. That is Carter Hall so pissed off that he throws an evil motherf**cker through a car and then decapitates him.

Reason #2 to Never, Ever Screw with Carter Hall:

That is Carter pwning another evil motherf**ker with naught but his shield.

Reason #3 to Never, Ever Screw with Carter Hall:

Don't hijack a plane anywhere near Carter. It won't end well.



More PSAs forthcoming for Hawkgirl because Kendra Saunders obviously needs her own post of Moments of Glorious Pwnage.

End today's PSA.

Also? We already know that Rags Morales is a Golden God, but his work on the Hawkman vol. 4 book was superb.

* Okay, not really.
** Actually, to be more accurate, that should read "a reincarnated Egyptian pharaoh powered up by alien space metal."

epic pwnage, hawt, hawkman, artgasm, dc, dc comics, hawtness, carter hall

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