I told you that those Jell-O parfaits were smexy

Jun 11, 2009 08:44

I have NO idea what these were doing on my hard drive -- they might have been right clicked and saved when I found that fan-made Thundercats trailer a few months ago and posted it here or when that guy over on Scans Daily 1.0 started posting pages of that horrific Ed Benes Thundercats series from 2003 -- but I realize that I meant to post them as a response to the hideous Ed Benes art of the Thundercats.

Okay. Confession time (again, and shut up, frankie23, I can see you smirking from three states away).

Tygra was my favorite Thundercat (I know I'm not alone in this given all the fangirl squee that I've seen over the years about him). But I haven't really thought about the T-Cats in years, and I'm certainly not active in the fandom.

However, I should know by now that DeviantArt produces both greatness and hilarity, oft in the same image.

Someone went all Logan on Tygra.

Tygra by Jindrak on DA:

HELLO, SAILOR. Even if it is just two of three stripes away from Logan.

Then there's this "redesign" concept art from someone named Bayanghitam on DA:

I would, of course, prefer that the taint of anime be kept out of my Thundercats (are...the elongated nunchuku really necessary? Isn't Panthro gonna be pissed?), but I really like the clothing redesign. This also looks like young!Tygra, maybe a teen!Tygra back before Thundera went asplodey -- he's lean and doesn't have all the bulk he has by the time of T-Cats S1. The metal greaves are a nice touch - he can still use his claws, but he's got space!metal on his shins so that he can kick Mumm-Ra in the face.

I like it.

In sciencey news: Israeli scientists create a sonic black hole.

From the article:

oday, Ori Lahav and his mates at the Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, say that they've created the sonic equivalent of a black hole in a BEC. That's some achievement, given that physicists have wondered about this possibility for some 30 years, and various groups with the ability to create BECs have been racing to create acoustic black holes.

The general idea is to set up a supersonic flow of atoms within the BEC. Sound waves moving against this flow can never make any ground. So the region where the flow changes from subsonic to supersonic is an event horizon. Any sound waves (or phonons) created inside the event horizon can never escape because the flow there is supersonic. That's the black hole.

Lahav and co set up a supersonic flow by creating a deep potential well in the middle of a BEC that attracts atoms. The atoms stream into it but cannot give up their energy when they arrive (they're already in their lowest energy state), and so they stream across the well at supersonic speed.

So, the perfect noise canceling headphones can't be far behind, amirite?

Since I posted excerpts from Agents of Atlas yesterday, here, have a panel from AoA #6.

Venus sings her Titania-times-eleventy love spell while everyone's underwater, and look at what Bob does:

artgasm, comics, things i must have, tv, technology, science, marvel

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