All Available Ass: Kicked - Wednesday version

Jun 10, 2009 07:49

Beloved flist, I promise to stop spamming you with oversized comic images.

But if you're not somehow reading Agents of Atlas, you're missing out on an almost one hundred percent fun reading experience.

Why? Forget the actual content. Yeah, I was and am upset with Jeff Parker over his racefail that will become apparent in issue #7, but the recap pages of each issue alone make me want to give Marvel money. (For the record, Ken Hale's recap pages are the funniest, as are Bob Grayson's, particularly since Bob is naked and floating upside down while he recaps.)

Par example:

For those unfamiliar with the Agents of Atlas, you have a talking gorilla man with a fondness for ordnance that would make Frank Castle proud, a bona fide siren from Greek mythology, a bishie blonde guy from Uranus, an inscrutable and deadly android, Namora, and JIMMY WOO all on the same team who, by the way, are pretending to be evil while secretly running trying to make sure that Dark Reign will hurry up and be over.

Bonus! THIS is what happens after the Avengers try to fight the AoA:


Happy Wednesday.

Ugh. Don't want to go to work.

artgasm, epic smackdowns, avengers, recap request, awesome, marvel

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