Pwnage Sticks: Theoretical Logistical Deficiencies

May 02, 2009 12:05

So I was having horrible flu-like symptoms (aching joints, inability to keep down food, headaches, nausea, sore throat) most of the week, and given that the swine flu merrily making its way around the world and given my normally paranoid tendencies when it comes to disease, I was of course in the grip of nightmarish scenarios that all ended with me on a ventilator at SF General and trying to make out my last will and testament.

It was, shall we say, a grim week.

Then I figured out something after doing some reading. I'm on a short course of medication, and I noted in the fine print that you are not supposed to take this medication with magnesium. I've been taking magnesium for months, because it's an important mineral for women to take, and NONE of my doctors told me that you should never, EVER take this med with magnesium because it can make you think you're about to die a horrible death. It produces mock flu symptoms, nausea, inability to keep food in your system, the works. So I immediately stopped the magnesium, and I feel 80% better.

Moral of the story: when have to take medication, be SURE to check its interactions with vitamin supplements, herbs, and other medications. I almost cursed out my doctor for not telling me to avoid magnesium (and I probably still will curse him out). He knows what vitamins I take.

Also, is it Celebrity Doppelgänger week in the Bay Area? Because within a twenty-four hour period, I saw a guy that looked exactly like Naveen Andrews AND a guy that could have credibly passed as John Krasinski (replete with dorky haircut). Is it also Obnoxious Casting Scouts Invade San Francisco Week? Because not only did I see Naveen Andrews and John Krasinski, there were three utterly obnoxious people standing in the middle of the sidewalk on Market and Third the other day, purposely getting in people's way and saying "Hey, you, come here! Yes, you!" They had clipboards and were dressed like what a corporate marketing focus group would decide was "...and this is a Mission hipster." One of the guys got up in my face twice, once in the morning and once as I was leaving my meeting at the W, and the second time he stepped into my path to block me and try to talk to me, I almost threw away my pacifist tendencies to throat punch him, and so very much wanted to hook a foot around his ankle and send him sprawling (hey, I thought I had swine flu, remember?), because some schooling was obviously in order. I didn't, though, of course, but man, I was close.

Instead I settled for a Gene Wilder "No thank you, sir. Good day. I SAID GOOD DAY!"

I've been deep into reading old issues of Deadly Hands of King Fu from 1976 (a publication whose demise I deeply lament), and as some of you doubtless are aware, Deadly Hands of Kung Fu contained some of the finest black and white art ever to be published in the medium of comics.

Like this page by Rudy Nebres featuring Iron Fist badassery:

Rudy Nebres was one of the first Filipinos to work in mainstream American comics (he arrived in the States just a few years after Ernie Chan, another amazingly talented Filipino artist), and GODDAMN, THAT MAN COULD DRAW. I'm going to have to do a whole post highlighting his work over the years. His early work in particular was just choice stuff. Look at that page, and please note that Danny's not even bothering to use his Super Chi when he KICKS THREE GUYS IN THE FACE SIMULTANEOUSLY.

So it's Free Comic Book Day, YAY! I'm going to Comic Relief to get my copy of Blackest Night #0, and speaking of which: thank you to everyone who labored so intensively yesterday to get those Blue and Indigo pages up for me to see!

I know I nattered on with speculation yesterday about the Indigos, but flist, I have a question.

Here are Indigos. Yes, we know by now that they're space!druids with pwnage sticks:

Their Super-Compassion Power is in their staffs, right? (Also, may I point out the male Indigo Tribe member right behind the leader in front? LOOK WHAT HE'S WEARING. If that's not blatant fanservice for the ladies and gents that lust after the male form, I dunno what is. I mean, he's wearing scraps of clothing that show off his legs and abs. He's like an alien Red Sonja in bits of suede. NON-STOP FANSERVICE!) So, they have staffs.

Here's my question, and I wonder if Geoff Johns will address this (given how lazy he and the artists have been about other stuff in the various Corps, I'm betting he won't): all the other Corps have rings. You don't necessarily need arms, fingers, or appendages to wear, for example, a Green Lantern ring. You can swallow it, carry it in your maw, wear it as a necklace, absorb it into your innards, whatever. In fact, you don't even need a ring in the Green Lantern Corps; you can be like Rot Lap Fan and carry a bell instead.

So if the Indigos carry staffs, what happens if you don't have hands or things that work like hands? Now I want to see an annelid alien who has to carry his/her/its staff in his mouth. I can vividly picture a giant worm alien with a staff in its mouth trying to scold a Red Lantern, but coming out all muffled because ITS MOUTH IS FULL. "Bad Wed Wantern! Bad!"

Still, the Indigos are cool. Compassion, motherfucker! Do you feel it?!

Yep. Looking forward to seeing what they'll do. I also like how that page has "Unknown" as the answer to almost every question that you could ask about them.

The Star Sapphire page in Blackest Night #0, though? POSSIBLE SPOILER BELOW.




Fatality is going to be a Star Sapphire?!


Edit: Wait, whoa, whoa! I meant to also include this.

As part of the Star Trek reboot, Burger King now has KLINGON versions of the Burger King and Queen.

Don't believe me?

From the Star Trek premiere:


green lantern corps, werk werk werk, rl, star trek, race and popular culture, film, artgasm, comics, things that are awesome, green lantern

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