Sometimes all you can do to rectify cosmic injustice is swing a bottle

Apr 17, 2009 08:00

Flist! I am here this morning to share joy with you!

So, I woke up this morning to find a six-page preview of Guardians of the Galaxy #13 over on

I have been gasping for breath for the past ten minutes.

Guardians of the Galaxy, for those not playing along at home, is a cracky space opera book. The Guardians currently live inside the GINORMOUS floating severed head of an inscrutably dead Celestial along with a telepathic cosmonaut dog.

If that's not enough to pull you in immediately, on the team we have a gun-obsessed sapient raccoon that likes to BLOW SHIT UP BUT GOOD, a Celestial Madonna, a bald telepathic lesbian who was a former priestess of the Shao Lom and who was also almost a Celestial Madonna, Drax the Destroyer (who is currently not destroying), a devilishly handsome green bug that likes to hit on the ladies regardless of species, a royal monarch that happens to be a giant talking tree, Peter Quill (whose superpower is withering cynicism), and the pimptastic Adam Warlock with his Perma Tan™.

One of the numerous charms of this book is Brad Walker's art.

So, a bunch of Shi'ar walk into a giant robot head...and an all-out MELEE ensues:

I would like draw your attention to the fact that Rocket Raccoon swinging a bottle is the best thing since sliced bread fresh from the oven.

Standard and necessary disclaimer: All images on this page are owned by Marvel Enterprises, all images will be immediately removed at the request of the copyright owner, etc. Marvel, I am trying to pimp this book for you. Please don't sue.

But the best thing are the debrief panels:

And this panel from the last page:

As if Adam pulling a Dr. Strange and throwing the horns isn't enough, look at Peter and Jack's expressions in that bottom panel.

That's it. I'm done.


So, I think you should all give this book a chance. I've got some minor quibbles with how Abnett & Lanning (can we just make them a hyphenated entity, like Zinoviev-Kamenev?) write Drax, but overall this book is non-stop crack of the highest order.

this is fucking awesome, solicitorama, marvel, cosmic equilibrium, cosmic marvel, adam warlock, star-lord, so awesome awesome broke

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