This week continues to be emotionally mercurial, as the discussions of racial and cultural blind spots in fandom continue around LJ, JournalFen, and the larger blogsphere - I'm tempted to call this Jewgate 2007 - and I do have more to say about it, but today I need to write about something that's been on my mind for over a week
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That said, people keep saying the Bendis hates Tigra. What actual proof do we have of that? An interview or something?
I'm surprised Marvel and Bendis haven't tried to defend this bullshit yet.
Yes, agreed. And if/when they do defend it, I'm sure it will be with an argument that pulling punches and not showing the horrific nature of violence would do the readers a disservice. Without addressing the fact that Greer would fight back like a divinely-powered agent of vengeance if jumped in her own home. Just like she's done before.
....and I'm not even pissed from the sexist standpoint (that said, I wouldn't be surprised if we see an uproar akin to the MJ statue, but we'll see), as much as it just struck me as needlessly cruel and pointless. Basically, it's Tigra getting brutalized and degraded, and it's downright ugly, and not in a way that seems artistically redeeming.
Oh, man. You see how badly that can read, right, even if you're intent is to say that you're pissed from the sexist standpoint but MORE pissed just about the sheer stupidity of the storyline?
Because it's not just stupidity, mind you. It's cheap, shock-value, exploitative bullshit.
We're good, man. We're good.
Now, Death of the New Gods?
Give it up. What the fuck is going on? Dare I buy it? You can spoiler me.
Oh my GOD.
She can't be dead. I'm in denial. Right now LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.
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