Oct 19, 2004 23:57
Have you had one of those moments when you're sitting here thinking about something..and then a song plays that reminds you of that moment or something like that..kinda like it was a coincidence or suppose to happen?..yeah..that just happened to me. I think it's so weird when things like that happen.
Anywho..I thought I'd get on here and give some sort of an update. I'm just gonna post some randoms just so ya know what's going on in my life.
-> School is going okay. I made an A on both of the midterms I had to take. All of my classes are going pretty well..so I'm satisfied.
-> Work is the same 'ol same 'ol..nothing really exciting there.
-> I've been hanging out with David a lot. I have a good time with him...we laugh, joke, and just get along. It's nice to know that someone is there for ya like that. Plus we never fail to have a good time..which is always a plus.
-> I've kinda been to myself a lot here lately. I've had a lot on my mind and just needed to think about everything. I wish there was someone I could just talk to and spill everything out to..but it's so hard to find someone true like that these days..*sighs*..well it's probably me more being scared of opening up to someone like that..
-> My friends have been great though..don't get me wrong there. I really don't know what I'd do without them. They're all the greatest!!
-> So...one thing has been boggling my mind like crazy lately. Someone has kinda popped back into my life..he was the closest I ever came to loving again after "my first love"..anyway..I don't know how to take it all..because I know we could have had a great thing..!?!..I really just don't think about it much to tell ya the truth..
-> I have Friday off this week..I thought about going to the football game since I have yet to go to one this year..but we'll see I guess. Leave me a comment if you are going! LoL..if not the game..then I might go see that new scary movie coming out called 'The Grudge'..if it comes out here..cause everyone knows I love scary movies..LoL*...who knows though..
So..I guess that's about it. I really don't have anything else to put on there. There's not really much been going on in my life besides work, school, and just being with friends and such. This update kinda sounds like a depressing one in ways..LoL*..I'm really not depressed..just had a lot on my mind lately..other than that..things and life are going pretty good for me..I can't complain at all.
I guess I'm gone this time though! Everyone leave me some comments! :o)
[Edit}--Well I went and stayed the night with David. I had been in "one of those moods" all night..and it helped a lot to go up there with him and just have someone around. I'm glad I decided to go. We talked about a lot and had a good time. Although, a lot of the stuff he said really made me think about a lot...*sighs*..
*MuCh LoVe*
'..i'll admit...you've gotten to me....so it's too late to stop it now..'