I was on aim tonight and this guy messages me from wouldyouhitthis.com and the convo went to the effect of this:
Him: Add me
Me: What? Who is this?
Him: chrish04 from wyht
me: Oh...yea I'll add you in a moment
him: are you still there?
him: have you added me yet?
him: wanna have phone sex?
me: i'm going to bed
him: I can make it quick
me: then hun i don't want to have sex with someone that would finsih that quick
him: well i can make it quick or long
me: this is her friend mandy and I was wondering if you were hard in the pictures on your friends only page
him: no
me: well your veins were bulging
him: *goes offline*
we checked his profile on wyht and he has like 9 different pictures of his genitalia out of 15 i was like are you trying to make up for something,
check it out
http://www.wouldyouhitthis.com/index.php?id=24118 you can't check out his penis shots unless your added as a friend but its still funny.