Title: Lifelines
Pairings: Lee/Dee, implied Lee/Kara
Spoilers: Nothing obvious, but 'Taking A Break From All Your Worries', just to be safe.
Summary: Lee told Dee he needs her. He wasn't lying.
Disclaimer: Don't own them. You know how it works.
Author's Note: Yes, I know what you all are thinking, Oh look, Kalen picked up another fandom. Imagine
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This is great. I loved the dogfight scene, it was so vivid I could imagine I was there - I find that kind of thing incredibly hard to write so I'm really impressed by it.
And you've got Lee's character down so well. I loved the bit where he thinks it's a stranger in the mirror and he can't remember who Lee is any more. I liked the idea and your description of just how tired Lee is, how he needs something reliable to hang on to. And that something reliable is Dee.
You've made a believable case to me about what Lee sees in Dee here. I like the bit at the end where he admits he knows he's put her on a pedestal and he's not being fair to her, but he can't help himself.
I really enjoyed this, and it's taught me to give Lee/Dee fics a try - because Lee is my favourite character, and I enjoy most fics about him. I hope you get the time and urge to write more BSG fics - I'll be back to read them!
Lol, well truth to be told, I'm not a Lee/Dee shipper either. Like, at ALL. Much rather prefer him with Kara despite how NOT healthy for each other they are, because let's face it, I'm a sick puppy and I enjoy Lee angst just a little too much. However, I haven't been all that impressed with what they've been doing to my fave character this season, and especially after that horrific scene of drunk Lee stumbling around in search of his ring, I was all just...no. Sorry, but no.
So basically, this fic was just therapy for me. As far as I'm concerned, the show's never made a very good case for him being with Dee, and I was trying to figure out what exactly about would attract Lee, and keep him in character at the same time....so it was more a character piece on Lee than a pairing story, if that makes sense at all.
Lee angst is fun. :) Also he and Kara may be unhealthy, but at least they're never boring - they make much better TV!
However, I haven't been all that impressed with what they've been doing to my fave character this season, and especially after that horrific scene of drunk Lee stumbling around in search of his ring, I was all just...no. Sorry, but no.
I hated that scene too, it just seemed completely out of character, even if he was drunk. Then I listened to the podcast for that episode and RDM was saying that Edward Olmos directed that episode and pushed some of the actors into being more "emotional and dramatic" than usual - I think that probably explains both the Lee scene and the equally over-the-top scene with Laura threatening Baltar, which again seemed out of chracter to me.
But things for Lee may improve...RDM also said that Jamie Bamber had a lot of input into what happens to Lee in the rest of the season and judging by the profile he wrote about Lee, he seems to have a good focus on the character.
So basically, this fic was just therapy for me. As far as I'm concerned, the show's never made a very good case for him being with Dee.
Again, I totally agree - in fact this is why I have a problem with them, because I'm just not convinced from what I've seen on screen that either of them really loves the other. So thanks for filling in the gap with your fic. :)
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