Worse New Year's Eve EVAR =(

Jan 01, 2009 08:49

I hate you all. =P

Lol, no, ok, I lie, but seriously this has shaped up to be the worse new year’s eve evar. I mean, start things off with the fact that I’m working a nightshift for an old coworker. Nothing really bad there, I mean its extra money and I need it, lol, so no big. But still, I’d much rather spend this night in the comfort of my home with my family and my internets nice and close. But no. So, I head out early to catch the trolley that takes me to work because it looks like rain, and I have no wish to bike to work under a winter drizzle. I go out, walk the 20 minutes it takes to get to the stop. I wait 30 minutes while trains come and go, none of them going where I need, and the one’s that are supposed to, are off duty for the night. That’s when I start looking around and I spot the “Service Ends at 9:00 p.m.” sign.
So, I rush out, call my coworkers and warn them that I’ll be running late but that I’ll get there in a cab. On New Years Eve. A cab. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I walked the entire length of the route back to my place and not a single cab available to answer my hails. I finally get home, my coworkers are calling pissed because I’m holding them back from their dates and parties, so I’m whipping out the bicycle and just as I get on it and start to pedal, the drizzle turns into full-out rain. Winter rain. And I just walked for nearly an hour getting to the trolley stop and then getting back trying to get a @#$%# cab and lugging a heavy backpack with food and the laptop in it the whole time.
I swear I sounded downright feral all the way to the station. My glasses kept fogging up and slipping down my nose, it was damn cold, I couldn’t pedal all-out because the roads gets slick here and on top of that my legs felt sore as hell, and I had to keep watching out for all the damn party-goer-laden cars who had had a bit too much bubbly before hand! Well, anyway, finally arrived at the station, apologized, everybody left, I whip out my laptop… and there are no networks available anywhere to leech to, as the boss’s office has wi-fi, but duh, its passworded. So yeah… aaaaand its just midnight while I’m writing this last line. Oh well. Save and post later when I get back home.
I swear this had all better be all the bad luck of 2008 trying to cash in before the year ended, because if it was a prelude of how things are gonna go for me on 2009, I’m gonna jump in front of a bus. *grumble grumble*

But anyway, I wanted to send a big hug and thanks to notveryathletic for texting me to wish me a happy new years. Gotta say that really cheered me up. I hope you all got the texts I sent out a few minutes before New Year rang for me. *shrug*
Anyway, 2009 is here and I greet it tired and disappointed. Bah humbug ¬¬.
Lets hope things look better after I sleep.

new year's eve dissappointment texts ter

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