I've been working on this for several weeks now because I barely have time to spare. It's funny because I keep going back and editing my original text but then not getting much further. So everything under this first cut was written before seeing The Angel of Death.
I'm so loving the new season of Robin Hood. The premiere was action-packed, fun, built on everything that happened last year and set up multiple new (and interesting) plots! Note to other showrunners: This is how its done.
The only thing I'm not crazy about is the new title sequence. The live-action cuts are way too fast and unneeded. They're supposed to be in time with the score but its not quite right. If they wanted to keep them in, they should be color corrected to match the graphic forest cards. Then it wouldn't be so visually jarring when they cut back to the cards. I don't mind the forest/actor's names graphics though.
Allan: the reluctant spy (I refuse to say traitor because he hasn't betrayed them yet. Damn it!)
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" my initial reaction. Last year, much to my surprise, Allan became my favorite character. He's clever/smart (planned many of the ways-to-get-into-the-castle escapades), caring (sticking with his brother and gently telling Annie about her baby), though a bit of a rogue (almost leaving with Will last year), and of course amusing ("I'm not being funny but..."). My biggest concern is that the creators will kill him off when it all goes down. That being said, he is one of the namesake characters of the old Robin Hood lore, unlike Roy. All this uncertainty makes me nervous.
On the plus side, this gives us more angst: Allan's internal conflict within himself, the anticipation of the outlaws discovering his duplicity, the (deadly) consequences of revealing information to Gisbourne; and giving a chance for Joe Armstrong to shine. Also, I like how it was handled. He was given an ultimatum: join the dark side or die. This reflects the beginning of the series with Marian informing imprisoned martyr-wannabe Robin that he can't help the people if he's DEAD! So really, Allan has a bit more common sense (and a realistic view on life) than Robin. Honestly, what choice did he have to at least play along just to get out of prison? Especially with no one coming to rescue him. :-( Robin was obviously tied up himself but the others were so concerned with saving Robin; it never occured to them Allan could have gotten himself into trouble. What Allan does now that he's out is going to be telling. I'm curious/anxious to see his reaction the first time Gisbourne kills someone because of the information he's supplied. It's inevitable; it will happen this season. But he seems resolute in his no-info-that-will-kill-people clause, sparing both Marian and Stephen the master builder in the second week.
Gisbourne: back to black
Honestly, I didn't understand all the Guy-love for most of last season. He was the sniveling, sidekick, whipping-boy for the Sheriff that didn't seem to have an original thought of his own while blindly doing the Sheriff's bidding. And he rarely fought, he'd just sit on his arse horse and look confounded as the outlaws attacked, randomly shouting at his guards to do something about it. [eye roll] Passive men who lack any initiative annoy the hell of out me. Then two things happened: we learned Guy was part of the masquerading men who tried to kill the king in Acre (OMG. He actually DID something! Yay!) and I saw North & South (I <3 Thornton!). I still don't think Guy is sexy with exception of next week's shirtless hot!DAMN preview pretty much the entire episode of "Childhood"!
Whoa! [catches breath] I could not believe the UST in the room when Marian made her late night visit to Guy. Just O_o. I think the writers are trying to kill us dead this year with all the sans shirt.
*continuity issue: "Childhood" - Guy asks Marian if she's had anything to do with Hood since he's been back from the holy land. She says no. But at the end of last season, she rode off on horseback with Robin after Much proclaimed to the entire church that she was still in love with Robin. Guy, while punched, was not down for the count and even ordered his guards NOT to pursue Marian. Guy knows the truth. (Even if he won't admit it to himself.)
The Angel of Death
Yay! The Scarletts reunited! Well, at least, for the next 15 minutes.
Djac: "You know these people?" Hmm. Cheers, hugging and family resemblance not enough? Love the prolonged look of disbelief on her face.
Allan asking way too many questions and offering to deliver the message. Torture to watch. Allan, I never wanted you to join the dark side. (I don't care if they have cookies!) Though if you get to bring on the brooding angst and wear black ala Guy with redemption at the end of the tunnel, I won't be able to resist.
Okay, back to Will. Speaking up (instead of muttering) to his father and making his own manly decisions. Color me impressed. But Dan [shakes head] part of being a responsible adult is knowing when to speak up and when to shut up. Going back to my earlier point, you're no good to anyone DEAD! Will's reaction was O_o. He seriously looked possessed, understandably so. Dogging arrows, cape flicking exits, spouting I-don't-give-a-damn phrases, locking Djac in a closet. Hee. Brilliant. It was great to see another side to Will.
Robin not drinking the poison. Thank God he seems to be gaining some senses. Last year, he actually would have drank it. This year, he's just melodramatic to prove a point. Robin seems to understand the need to pass on his passion to save England from evil to others instead of just assuming people will take up the cause if he dies. Thus the "we are Robin Hood" mantra and asking Will to do the right thing rather than take the cure and do it himself. Personal choice seems to be a huge theme. Mostly between what's best for others or your own desires. Last year, it was deciding to trust Robin's leadership.
Yet surprised by myself again for loving the UST of Guy asking to come in to Marian's room and telling her he will take care of her father.
Much holds the key. When Allan and Much saw an unconscious Roger in the courtyard, Much wondered "who that was?" and Allan said he "didn't know." Obviously, Allan does know. When the outlaws find out they've been compromised, I'm hoping Much will put Roger and Allan meeting two-and-two together.
Next week's preview: The look on Allan's face says it all. There's no denying the truth.