Jun 28, 2004 22:00
Well this weekend was fun went to OK! I got the redest I have been in like 659837459834745 years...-_- I hurt SO bad...but hey it is all good! I also have like the weirdest sunburn lines...but hey it is all good in the end...I hope so anyway! But anyway my mom called me when we were camping and was all like "they fired the temp for the phone" i am all like *-_-*... are you kidding....she was like no...but she was talking crap about you behind your back and i was all like *O_O* wtf?!?! she was all like yeah...saying that you suck at telling people what to do at the front! *stupid white trash girl....* so i was REAL happy to hear that...but the stupidest part is that she told all the stuff about me to my AUNT....can anyone really be THAT stupid...Glad she is gone now...telling people that she won't let an 18 year old what to do...I hate people...But it is okay...But other than the sunburn...the phone call and the NOT BEING ABLE TO MOVE this weekend was wicked! We got these cheap rafts and went down these wanna be rivers with the rocks that were way to high...beat myself up on those supid rocks ^^' but it was so cool! I have never been camping when we had to pitch our own tent and all of that cool stuff...it was so cool! But next time I won't get so red...Kindsey and Jessica got flirted with...no one loves me though...;_; but it was okay...and Ashton SWEARS he saw a monkey....crazy mo-fo...I thought he was crazy he was all like NO I SAW A MONKEY RUN ACROSS THE ROAD...O_O okay.....lol silly boys...the trip made me want a Jeep! sadness...wish I could just go buy one...but I can't. Tonight me and Steph, Areli, Bhumi and few other girls went over to "the guys" apartments! we always use them...but they are all just so cool! I love them all! This Thursday night I am gonna spend the night with Areli and we will probally end up going over there! That would be so much fun! Can't wait till then!!! Getting up and going to work the next day will not be to enjoyable! but hey can't have the cake and eat it too...(wish i could sometimes!) Can't wait though...that is what I am gonna be looking foward too this week! But I still have a few days -_- but it will be okay! Well I guess that is it...leave a comment! much lovez!