Dec 17, 2004 22:12
Tonight I went to the new millennium centre in cardiff.
It was really really nice except for this horrible brown carpet but anyhoo -
the show I went to see was amazing. It was french and gorgeous and it just screamed freya.
It was just something I would like.
The people were all felxible and it was a sort of circus but done really cleverly and funilly.
I loved it. <3
Plus, there was this absolutely fab pianist who would come on from time to time and play the most beautiful songs. I was quite emotional lol.
And then he'd go "laaaa dee daaaa" on top and it sounded so good. So right
I'm so thankful for musical instruments. And just music generally.
My life would be incomplete without it.
When I'm angry or depressed what do I do? I play the piano.
I love making new things, it's so great to make something up and spend ages working on it,
then become really pleased with the end result.
Well enough with boring you with my love for composition lol..moving on...
in the interval to the show my mother and I saw our neighbours who moved away about 5 years ago.
It's crazy how people change. I could tell they were thinking the same thing.
To tell you the truth, it took me about five minutes to remember them.
Sarah and Natalie.
I have basically no memories of them - but i distinctly remember cartwheeling in their lounge and walking past Natalie when she was sitting on a wall. They look so different now.
Sarah's quite small and Natalie's sort of grown (upwards and outwards) and has longer hair that's thick and wavy. She was hardest to remember as she's changed so much.
Awww I'm so rubbish in those situations.
Sarah (she's in lower 6th at some school) asked me "So you're at stanwell? Dya like it?"
I was like "Yes, it's good. Most parts are good, but some are..not as...good," It was one of those "what the hell are you saying?" moments.
Ah well.
When I arrived home an envelope with my name on was sitting by the phone. I was so happy! =D
I could tell it was evvo's writing.
He made me this christmas card, very lovely indeed.
Not the most artistic thing ever made but in my eyes, completely beautiful.
I love him.