Dec 16, 2004 20:29
Before I begin, isn't my picture gorgeous? He's so cute and kinda like evvo.
lol. ok he's not in the slightest bit like evvo. but still -
he is like evvo in the way that i like him. Yes that is right. <3
My name is freya, if you did not know. I'm sure you did know, but I told you just incase you forgot, which is unlikely but I'm cool like that. I'll get to the point now...
Name Origin: Scandinavian
Number of Syllables: 2.00
Gender: Female
More interesting facts about the name Freya:
Lucky Number: 1
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Primary Color: Red
Traits: Very much the driving life force. A leader. Ambitious. Tends to be impatient. The explorer. The extrovert. Automatically assumes command. Frequently a "big brother" or "big sister". Very strong feelings either for or against. Would not knowingly hurt anyone but might not realize her/his own strength. Can stand being praised and is entitled to it. Praise can spur to greater things.
K, well I don't think I'm really the firey type, but I am very impatient, quite the extrovert and i have really really strong feelings about stuff - I even have a strong feeling that I have strong feelings. lol. anyhoo - I dnt intend to hurt people at all, but do without knowing sometimes so that bit's right. I do love me praise - don't we all? lol. And I am quite ambitious, when I can be bothered to be lol. I missed an a* by 1 mark in french so now I'm very determined to get it in the proper gcse. yes yes. lol. My teacher was like "Freya I've realized after listening to your speaking that you are an a* standard - I didn't notice before because you don't tend to focus in lessons," She has a point there lol.