May 05, 2010 00:16

Tonight was a new episode of lost. It feels like the end is near and i am wondering what will happen to the last three candidates that are alive.

Jin and Sun's death was so beautiful in a way because of the love they had for each other in the end. When you remember how they arrived on the island, almost getting a divorce and lying to each other, to now the end where you wanted to see them live happily ever after. But hopefully all is well in the side flash lives and that becomes there real livs.

The other character killed was Sayid who i was like what?! he is sacrificing himself to save the rest? why? but in a way him doing this he has redeemed himself from all the people he has killed in the past. since he never saved anyone... he always shot and such. even though i donot know how his side story ends i hope it doesnt end with him dead.

When i see how the characters make there decisions in flash sideways it makes me want that to become reality. Like how ben decided t not gain power by becoming principal and instead got the principal to give a recomandation to his best student. something he would never had done on the island before she got killed.

Even Jin and Sun story on the side has gotten better. It seems like they will finally get married, and not worried about suns' father.

It seems with only 3 episodes left everything is coming to order and it also seems like they are leaving Jack and Lockes' stories to be wrapped last. but thinking about it they are the ones who have had the most issues with each other and them always playing faith vs. science. but i wonder how the side story will end... i am not sure if i want locke to get the surgery or if i want jack to accept that locke does not need the surgery. there are so many ways that this can play out and i am ready to see it happen.

This show i have been following since i was 14 is finally finishing. i have many found memories of watching this show, and in a way it brought me closer to some people who i would never had gotten closer if it wasnt for this show. in a way i have to find a new show to obssess every week and even when it isnt on like how i did with lost. but i dont think any show can compare to it... maybe one day but i doubt anytime soon.

GO LAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2-0 against jazz! :)
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