Apr 09, 2010 23:02
So on monday Craig introduced his new sidekick with this opening number towards the bottom of this post. he is the leader of the RSA (aka Robot Skeleton Army, these are the people who follow craig on twitter) and he is a robot. its awesome. the first episode with him was ok, the show wasnt very smooth but fun to watch. but now its heading to fridays episode and he has gotten better. Geoff Peterson(this is the robots name) also has his own podium and snake mug now, but the mug isnt as cool as craigs.
anyways~ you should totally watch this video twice... the first time you may have WTF? going through ur minds or just wondering what is happening. but the second time i think you enjoy it more and get to enjoy the song better. it is a very catchy tune.
hope everyone is enjoying school!!! have a great weekend!!