I finally completed the comic! *very excited* I started it ages ago and never finished it. >__< This is the first time I've ever drawn a comic, and I had no idea it was this difficult! D8 I know the artwork's kind of rough, but I honestly lack the motivation to go back and fix everything. OTL I hope it didn't blind anyone.
Haha, so last quarter, I accidentally sprayed my classmates with ginger ale. It was pretty dramatic. I was sitting in the back of the large lecture hall, and the liquid traveled several feet to the very front of the classroom. It resulted in much chaos, and I swear ever since that incident, my classmates never looked kindly upon me again. D:
If you're one of the hapless classmates I drenched...I'M SORRY!!! I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE. OTLlll
I was soaked as well, and I had to sit there the entire time in sticky clothes. It just so happens that class was three hours long. >__>
Oh, and I'm joking about not drinking Canada Dry anymore. I had some over winter break, but I have to say...it no longer tastes as good as it used to. *traumatized*
I hope you enjoyed the amateur comic! If you enjoyed it even just a little, I'll be happy. <3