Aug 11, 2005 02:32
Alrighty so it's, you know, roughly 2:30 am and i'm just getting back in from a date with this guy Ben... Hm.. ok well, serveral things need to be said here. First off, arguing politics and religion is great. How great to be in the company of a really intelligent guy- a guy who freakin could quote poetry and Freud, and knew about Niche and Kahil Gilbran... We talked like nonstop joking around and having fun from the getgo. I realized that i'm a lot different than I used to be- all shy and akward around guys... My first date ever I wouldn't voice any opinions and was completely withdrawn... and thats just not me anymore. At least in Los Angeles, we'll see how that all changes in Africa outside my "comfort zone." Second, wow, it's so great being on a date with a guy who didn't have a problem saying "wow, you look really great tonight" or "i had a great time, can I call you and take you out again?" Seriously. He wasn't afraid, intimidated, or threatened by my feminine traits. He held open every door and walked on the side next to traffic and when some armeanian guys were eye balling me in line he noticed and put himself between those dorks and myself. Very much a gentleman... He watched out for my footing on the beach (not in a condescending way) and didn't insult my intelligence by assuming I didn't know what certain things were. And I like him, I like being around a manly man... He was so tall- like 6'4" and broad too, not chunky by any means- strong. Third, kissing is the best thing that ever happened to me. I adore it. It did not go any further (at all!) than kissing but it was sooooooo great just cuddling and kissing at the beach. He was so not a jerk. He kept self-control even when he wanted to go farther and respected what I had said at the very beginning. And I really really like his arms. I guess this is no more superficial than being a attracted to facial hair or whatever, but man, his arms were huge. Not fat huge at all. Really strong huge. He was pretty solid. I like that. A lot.
I don't know if I want to go out again- he was great but he's not "the one" for sure- but that was probably the 2nd best first date i've ever had with a guy. The first will always go to Mr. Eric, who completely sacrificed what normally would have been his time to play himself up to take 2 girls from downtown out with us paddle boating. I can honestly say, with every ounce of girlish pride, that that melted my heart. Ben isn't the one because he wants to be a math teacher and live in the states forever. I'm glad he isn't "it" or whatever. it would suck to meet the perfect guy right now because I would have to give him up for Africa or give Africa up for him. We probably will go out again actually. That was a blast. Like not the kissing (the too) but our conversation and flow. We had good jive.