The hueg as all fucking hell Final Fantasy XII Blog Crew

Feb 22, 2010 01:53

Check THIS out. There are a LOT of characters to choose from, and because I'm procrastinating thorough, you get pictures of every single damn character. Or at least 90% of them. I also give a brief synopsis of each character that I list, because I know that there are people that haven't played the game and want to claim characters, so I gave my best Cliff Notes edition for each person. I also tried very hard to keep the spoilers at a minimum, and I think I succeeded. Regardless, if you're intrigued enough by what I write, play the game. It's worth it, believe me!

Why am I doing this? a) Gina's fault for making the Metal Gear Solid 3 blog crew b) I think the FFXII universe is epic c) I'm avoiding my Philosophy papers.


o1. Up to TWO claims per person, BUT:
- No more than ONE main character may be claimed, protagonist or villain. So, if you claim Vayne, then you can't also claim Basch. Likewise, you can't choose Fran and Balthier, or Gabranth and Dr. Cid. You can, however, claim Basch and Reks, as Reks is a secondary/minor character, or perhaps Vaan and the Esper Belias. You may choose any two minor characters or two Espers, however.

o2. You do not have to make all of your claims at once. If it takes you 3 months to decide on claiming another character, then it's all good.

o3. If you want to drop your claim and change to someone else later, then just let me know in a comment here as long as it's not currently being used by another LJ user.

o4. If I miss any character in the FFXII universe that you want to claim, just let me know and you may claim it.

o5. If you delete your journal then your claims are up for grabs.

o6. You may link to the blog crew however you want, whether it be using the lame codes I give or making your own graphic or however best you want to pimp it, as long as it's out there so people can know we're the shit find and join the blog crew if they want!

Main playable cast:

Vaan. "One of these days I’ll fly an airship of my own. I’ll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will." The token orphan of the game, that ends up looking a helluva lot like Tidus two games after FFXII, but that's beside the point. His parents were killed by a plague some years ago, so he was an orphan way before he decided to technically be the main protagonist of the game. He HAD an older brother named Reks, but Reks got killed too, only in the war between the Archadian Empire and the smaller empire of Dalmasca. So, Vaan is young and reckless with a bitter side to him whenever anything dealing with Archadia is mentioned. He's headstrong to a fault, and doesn't actually think things through a lot, because despite all of his street smarts he gained from being on his own, he's still rather naive, and it shows. What he yearns for is to be a sky pirate, so he may be free from the confines of political mess and everything else that makes him sadface and/or angry as fuck, but alas, he's only 17 and doesn't have the means to do any of that grandoise stuff. Even with his faults, he's a cool kid. He just has some growing up to do.

Penelo. "I'll be going too, of course. Every good sky pirate needs a partner, right?" While she may look like a Selphie Tilmitt knock off with blonde hair, she actually lays off the sugar highs and is one of the most practical and level headed member of the main protagonist pack, just with an optimistic edge. Penelo actually gets the least real game time, despite technically being the main female lead character due to her connection with Vaan. She's Vaan's best friend, and is also an orphan due to the war. She does retain a fairly cheerful disposition, but not to the point of being "oh fuck, gag me with a spoon", but it's just her way of looking at life. She doesn't see the point of being down, and in Vaan's case, she doesn't see the point of fatalistically getting into shit and throwing your life away for something stupid. She just wants everyone to be able to get along, and if she's not busy trying to save Vaan's ass then she's apparently a proficient dancer. She learned how to fight from her brothers who were trained by the Order, so she can also hold her own, technically. She just doesn't go LOOKING for a battle, unlike Vaan, LMAO!

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca. "I am simply myself. No more and no less. And I want only to be free." So, I misunderstood her when the game first started, because she initially comes off as a right bitch. But, once you figure out WHY she's so bitchy, you have sympathy for her, and she actually gets less defensive as the game progresses and she learns it is safe for her to trust the people she's stuck with. Basically, she's the heir to the Dalmascan throne, and had to put up with the following things: a) her husband getting killed just days after they had finally married by the Archadian Army b) her father getting killed on his throne in some intricate plot c) forced into hiding to protect her life and for a chance to reclaim her throne d) because of her bloodline gets pulled around by people AND Gods wanting to use her to their own ends. Ashe, between her grief, her anger, and her hope for a life of her own, doesn't really want to deal with any of this bullshit. She feels whisked around in a whirlwind of fate that she kind of wants but also kind of doesn't, and at the very least yearns for the option to choose her own means to the end, but she doesn't have the ability to think straight with everything that's going down from one moment to the next. So, she spends one fourth of the game being uppity and bitter, a fourth of it being nostalgic and sad, a fourth of it doing what she thinks she should do to set things right, and a fourth of it flipping everyone off and doing what she actually really wants to do for herself.

Balthier. "That's not the answer I wanted, so I'll pretend I didn't hear it." The only thing you REALLY need to know about Balthier is that he's fucking hot and I would hit that like the fist of an angry god. But I'll elaborate anyway. Balthier is a savvy sky pirate that is really good at coming off as cocky and pretentious, quick-witted and British, but he's hilarious while doing it and cares a lot more than he originally lets on (of course; don't cha know every ship captain has a heart of gold?). He calls himself "the leading man", because he likes to think the world revolves around him. Considering the fact that he does indeed hail from Arcadian aristocracy, at one point in his life the world very much DID revolve around him... he just decided to say "fuck that" and pieced out. Also, his father is crazy and Balthier couldn't stand to see him like that anymore, and ran off to avoid what he feels he can never fix. His ship, the Strahl, is his own masterpiece as he kind of stole then re-designed it on his own. Understandably, he does not like to talk about his past at all, as all of that just equals one big sadface for him. He also met up with his partner Fran somewhere along in there, but the game doesn't specify when.

Fran. "I have discarded Wood and village. I won my freedom. Yet my past had been cut away forever." When I first saw the concept art for Fran, I facepalmed on the sheer principle that of COURSE, one of the few "black" Final Fantasy characters to come out after many years has to be some scantily clad Playboy bunny with a bow. But, once I actually got the game and let go of all of my prejudices, I like Fran a lot and totally shotgun the character for myself. Despite the fact that I never heard it said in the game at all, her apparent title is the Master of Weapons. Think of the Viera as the token Elves of Ivalice; they do NOT intermingle with humans, and if you do, then you are no longer considered a Viera by your tribe and you're closed off from hearing the voice of the Wood that birthed you forever. The world can go to hell for all the Viera care, and they'll just... well, be up in their jungle chilling while everyone else panics, pretty much. Fran's pretty sensitive by the earth's energies known as Mist, so much that she can feel it like a physical object. If there's too much of it concentrated in one spot, she'll either a) faint or b) go hayshit and kill everything in sight. Other than that, she's quiet and observant most of the time and lets Balthier do most of the talking unless he says or does something really stupid. She's Balthier's right hand and the mechanic of the Strahl.

Basch von Rosenburg. "If I could protect but one person from war's horror... then I would bear any shame. I would bear it proudly." The real badass of the protagonist FFXII crew, if I do say so myself. Besides Fran (who... kinda doesn't count since she's probably 300 years old or something), he's the oldest of the group and was the lead soldier of the Dalmascan army under King Raminas B'nargin Dalmasca, but he kinda really got fucked over by the end of that big war. Basically, he got framed for the murder of the King, labeled as a traitor to the kingdom, and got locked away in the dungeons for some years to think about what he did. You end up saving him and he joins the party as a way to clear his name, and mah GOD if you don't feel bad for this man yet totally admire/fangirl the shit out of him for his fortitude, then you have no soul. He is the epitome of loyal to his charge and his kingdom, and he will put his duty before himself in a heartbeat. Even when he meets back up with Ashe and she hates his ass, he stands by her anyway until the truth comes out and she learns to forgive him for a crime he didn't commit. There's also one of my favorite quotes in the whole game: "Listen to me, Basch. Your cage may have no bars, but it is a cage. The eyes of the Resistance watch unblinking." You know what this nigga said in response? "Let them watch. I know something of cages." FUCK YEAH, TAKE THAT AND SHOVE IT, THAT'S WHAT BASCH SAID (NICELY)!

Minor protagonists:

Larsa Ferrinas Solidor. "The men of my family, we are taught to place the needs of others before those of our own. I will see that you are kept from harm." I thought he was a girl the first time I saw him. AND, he's 12 years old. WHAT? Anyway, he's wise beyond his years and really optimistic as well, but refined in his optimism and comes off as the perfect young gentleman. He and Penelo also make such a cute couple, IMO. ^_^ Even though that's not totally canon, the game sets it up well enough even in the ambiguity. He knows his shit about magicite, and also seeks to stop his older brother, Vayne, from doing some uber bad shit in the supposed name of uber good shit. Unfortunately, because of his young age and his overall calm and quiet nature, his brother kind of blows him off a lot despite the fact that Larsa actually knows a lot more than people give him credit for... but this does not affect Larsa's love for his brother despite the depths Vayne eventually goes to in order to achieve power. All Larsa wants is a peaceful world for everyone to live in, and as long as it's within his power he will find the means to link the allies together with trust and openness. I personally admire this kid.

Vossler York Azelas. "Look on what my haste has wrought." He was tight with Basch once, right, but then when Basch got framed for all of that bullshit that he actually didn't do, Vossler took his place as Ashe's right protective hand and guides her and the Resistance to try and reclaim the Dalmascan throne. So, you can imagine, when Basch actually shows back up, they kind of have a mini pissing contest where Vossler tries to cut down Basch and Basch doesn't actually rise to the bait because that's kind of beneath him and no matter who thinks what, Basch knows where his loyalties lie, anyway. Eventually Vossler gets over it and learns to trust Basch again. Despite all of that, Vossler is very loyal to Dalmasca, and it leads him to... umm... make a singularly bad decision in the game to do what he thinks is best to protect Dalmasca. I had a mini crush on Vossler when I first saw him, but I couldn't tell you why, now. Despite his mistake, I like Vossler a lot.

Reddas "The Illusions of the past. You think to have cast them off, only to find them years later, unwearying, unrelenting. The past can bind a man as surely as irons." This dude has skeletons in his closet, let's just say that. He has a lot of regret in his past, and this pretty much drives him to be the man he is during the course of the game. While being the head sky pirate of all of the sky pirates in Ivalice from the port of Balfonheim, he's really well respected and has a well tested and honed code of honor that you'd be a fool to expect him to break, and is actually more trustworthy and dependable than a lot of people. His beard is also badass. The next line is going to be spoilers where he's concerned because I can find no way around it, just to let you know. He used to be from Archadia and was one of the Judge Magisters under the name of Zecht. Archadia is kinda known for blowing the epic shit out of an entire city (think like Zanarkand) named Nabudis in a show of power using man-made magicite, and due to the deaths of pretty much an entire culture worth of people, Reddas never forgave himself for being involved in that, and left everything behind. He has his chance to atone for what he believes to be his sins, and he takes it gladly.

Reks. "No, sir. I want to fight. For my homeland and for my parents." There's not much to say about Reks except for the fact that he's a soldier in the Dalmascan Army in fighting against the Archadian Empire under the tutelage of Knight Basch von Rosenburg. Oh, and he's Vaan's older brother. He gets dragged into the whole intricate plot of the assassination of King Raminas B'nargin Dalmasca, and is led to believe that Basch stabbed him in the stomach before confessing his betrayal of the Dalmcascan kingdom to the Archadians. He's a newbie at fighting, and is most probably kind of scared at the massive load of wtfuckery he's stumbled onto, but in the face of his fear he carries out his task to the best of his ability. I just feel bad that he kind of died before he figured out that his hero, Basch, actually wasn't responsible for all that shit.

Main Villains

Vayne Carrudas Solidor. "Your lives are forfeit, and your insurgence along with them. Dalmasca will again know order. For good and all, I shall put your futile attempts at rebellion to an end." He's technically the main villian of the game, but ... oddly, he's not really all that bad. Vayne is kind of like the Cao Cao of Ivalice; he has his own way of restoring peace to the realm, and while it's with an iron fist, he knows once it's all said and done people will know peace. He will be seen as a ruthless dictator in history while no one actually understands just where it is he's coming from. It's just that, well, the way he goes about it is kind of extreme, but he doesn't see any other way. He's calm, rather calculating, and also very charismatic and wins over the trust of the people quite easily, even the people of Dalmasca with absolutely no love for the Archadian empire. But his views of uniting the land, in theory, are selfless and he strives for a way for man to make their own history instead of simply doing what the Gods say all of the time. He doesn't believe in an unchanging fate, and wants everyone to know that they alone have the power to mold their own future as they see fit.

Dr. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa. "The reins of History back in the hands of Man." The first and as so far the only Cid in the history of Final Fantasy to be a main antagonist, and actually the one that I'd classify as the crazy ass villain. Because he is rather insane. Hilariously so, but still. He is the main person in charge of the laboratories and research and also the development of airships and engineering for Draklor, housed in the capital city of Archades. His research took him to being obsessed with the power of magicite, and finding a way to artificially manufacture it as an infinite power source, and also as a tool against the Gods who originally gave the world Mist and magicite. Like Vayne, Cid fanatically searches for a way to free man's dependence on the Gods and believes he's found a way to do it through his development of nethicite, the synthetic equivalent of magicite. He's pretty much spurned to extreme degrees of obsession due to him listening to a spirit named Venat, whom no one can see except for Dr. Cid, so this leads everyone else to believe that he's talking to himself for the majority of the game... adding onto the whole "... this son bitch done lost his marbles" idea.

Judge Gabranth. "Silence! All was stripped from me. Only hatred for the brother who fled our homeland, remains mine!" He's not so much evil as he is straight up bitter and angry. He is the younger twin brother of Basch, with his original name of Noah von Rosenburg. They were pretty much inseparable until the Archadian empire took over their hometown, and the brothers chose different paths. Basch went to Dalmasca to defend that kingdom against Archadia, and Noah went to Archadia thinking that there was no other way but to surrender to keep their hometown alive. Unfortunately, Noah saw Basch skipping out as a betrayal to their brotherhood AND their homeland, and never forgave him for it... so... he gets Basch back years later by impersonating him in the plot to kill King Raminas and totally fucks over Basch's name across all of Ivalice. Talk about being bold as hell, shit. Other than that, he's also the faithful protector of Larsa, and as long as it doesn't have anything to do with Basch, will opt for a non-violent, lesser of two evils approach to anything, so his sense of honor isn't completely corroded.

Minor Villains

Judge Bergan. "Too late, and to their sorrow, do those who misplace their trust in gods learn their fate." Judge Magisters are pretty much THE highest rank you can ever achieve in the Archadian Empire. It is your title of ultra badass and you answer to nobody but the Emperor. Bergan's pretty much one of Vayne's most devoted followers, and has no problem wielding absolute power no matter what the means. He also went as far as to lace his entire body with nethicite to gain more power. He's megalomaniacal at his best, and has no problem admitting that, even in the face of his fellow Judges if he deems they've crossed a line.

Judge Drace. "You wear the mummer's motley well, Bergan." Okay, she's probably my favorite Judge of all of them, besides Gabranth... mostly because she also retains her own sense of honor and is the only female Judge in all of Archadia. That's enough to earn my respect right there. I just feel bad, because she's in amongst a sausage party, and while she has a lot of stern wisdom and also acts as a mother figure of sorts to Larsa, compared to people like Bergan and Gabranth she doesn't have much power. However, she analyzes and clearly understand the darkness lying behind politics in Archadia, and isn't afraid to openly talk about how she doesn't trust Vayne and whatever his motives are. This... unfortunately, also doesn't get her any brownie points when you talk shit about the person you are sworn to serve, but it gets major respect points from me.

Judge Ghis. "Methods do not interest me. Only results." Ghis is a pretty minor Judge as well, but he leads the entire Star Wars-esque fleet for Archadia, and is intrigued by the power of magicite/nethicite as well. Not to the extent of Cid, he just wants to see what it'll do out of curiosity. A very cut and dry person, he likes straight forward things. Because of his personality, he doesn't actually get involved in the intricate schemes being weaved in the background, and just figures he'll be told what to do and how to do it when people figure their shit out, and his only responsibility is to get it done as efficiently as possible.

Judge Zargabaath. "The Empire's debts grow legion." He doesn't speak much, so when he does, it's usually damn important. He prefers to watch everyone else run around and fuck shit up, an observer much like Drace, but where Drace acts, Zargabaath remains uninvolved and silent, trying to find discreet ways to input advice. If you had to ask my opinion, he plays at being nonchalant while actually thinking he's above everyone else around him, including his superiors, but he's not fool enough to call anyone out on their shit because he knows it'll mean drama and all will be for naught, so he just bides his time. He also runs a fleet for the Archadian army, but doesn't get involved in the whole magicite deal like Ghis. That requires putting more energy forth than he's willing to sacrifice for something rather trivial in his eyes.

Ba'Gamnan. "The whole affair has the smell of money. I may have to whet my beak a little." A bounty hunter after the head of Balthier. Bounty hunters are actually kind of illegal, but the Empire lets him slide, most probably because they know he hunts Balthier, and considering Balthier's background in relation to Archadia, won't mind if someone else takes care of the runaway by whatever means necessary while they take care of other things in the foreground. He's a typical hunter, consumed by how much money you can pay him to do whatever dirty deed you tell him to do. Other than that, not much is really known about him except that for whatever reason, he REALLY hates Balthier.

Other Minor Characters worth mentioning that are either unallied or too damn ambiguous to put anywhere else:

Lord Rasler Heios Nabradia. "These roles we play. I must admit I find it... wearying." So, for a dude that was alive for the entire half of a cutscene at the very opening of the game, he seems rather noble. If anything, he's pretty hot. He's dedicated to his kingdom and to his wife, Princess Ashelia, even though the marriage was for political reasons he honestly fell in love and cherished Ashe for who she was and kind of wished that they didn't have to play politics all the time. I can respect a man like that.

Marquis Halim Ondore IV. "I once knew a girl whose only wish was to be carried in her uncle’s arms. Her Majesty is a woman grown now." He reminds me of Professor Ni, in a way. His first name is Arabic for "gentle", evidently. He's also the main narrator of the games events. He is the ruler of the sky city of Bhujerba, and he kind of plays both the Dalmascan resistance sides and the Archadian side by holding a neutral front to keep his citizens out of any mess that might arise. He is seen as a close father figure to Ashe, and Ashe calls him Uncle even though I don't think they're actually related. She goes to him for advice, and he never treats Ashe as a young girl and respects her opinions and her actions as one equal to himself, but unfortunately this means that they kind of get into minor arguments about what should be done in concerns to the Dalmcascan kindgom, especially when Ashe gets stubborn and foolhardy and Ondore doesn't want to see her making rash decisions or getting hurt.

Al-Cid Margrace. "I would lay down my life at a single word to be sure… but I harbor no maundering delusions of valiant grandeur." LOLOLOL Oh man, this dude cracks me the fuck up. The Prince of the kingdom of Rozzaria, the one you never actually get to go to on the supposed world map of Ivalice, but is the only other major kingdom comparable in power and size to Arcadia. I thought it was bull that the only glimpse you get to see of this country is through this flirty, flamboyant, chivalrous guy that travels with at least one beautiful girl that remains silent but is over-eager to help him do anything, even if it's just to hold his sunglasses while he looks at a document or wipe his brow. Al-Cid never ORDERS her to do anything or treat her lowly, so he's just... really fangirled by women, evidently. Even though he totally rubs Balthier the wrong way (lol male ego contest), he respects women to the nth degree, and takes a protective (and flirtatious) stance with Ashe immediately, knowing her role and wanting to whisk her away to Rozzaria once an alliance has been formed between the kingdoms. He doesn't want war at all, considering the fact that he's a lover, not a fighter. I think if Ashe wasn't so stuck on her dead husband, Al-Cid would have treated her well.

Old Dalan. "Wise I may not be, but well-informed I am." He's like, the guru of the Lowtown people of Rabanastre, offering stories of tales almost long forgotten and wisdom to those who know from where to seek it. He helps out Vaan a lot in the beginning of the game, giving him pearls of knowledge that you kinda have to wonder where this old dude gets his shit from, but you never find out. Dalan's too badass to tell you, you just know to trust him.

Migelo. "It’s easy work, and you’ll thank me for it someday.". He's a Bangaa that acts as a father figure to the orphans of Rabanastre, especially to Penelo. He makes sure that the kids have work and aren't under foot creating trouble for the civilians, and he runs a shop in the corner of town. If anything ever happens to his kids, then he'll be looking for something or someone to ensure their safety. A good guy, even though he's really a minor character.

Montblanc. "A stuffed animal!? I'll have you know I'm a moogle, kupo!" Yep, he's a Moogle, just in case you couldn't tell by the compulsive "kupo" at the end of every sentence he says. He's the leader of the Hunt club called Clan Centurio, and is responsible for handing out just about 90% of the side quests you find yourself doing during the course of the game. The rewards are well worth it, though, although the marks get fucking HARD AS HELL towards the end (lol Yiazmat lol). He's really kind and sweet, and wants to help and save almost anyone he comes across even if he doesn't have the means sometimes. For a Moogle, he's pretty reliable, too.

Jote. "Ivalice is for the Humes. The Wood alone is for us." IMO, probably the most beautiful Viera I've ever seen, even as a minor character. She's Fran's older sister, and now presumably the head of the village Fran left behind. She maintains a cool visage because of her position, and while she misses her sister terribly she can't let it show. She serves the Wood, and the Wood comes before family no matter what.

Mjrn. "That cannot be all! I saw it when I left the village! Ivalice is changing! How can the Viera stand and do nothing at all?" She is Fran's younger sister, and Mjrn is the only one to stand up and basically cuss out her sister and the rest of her kin for allowing the world of the Viera drift away from the rest of the world that she feels they are connected to and have a duty to help and not just stand there and watch it go to shit just because of some rule to remain dedicated to the Wood. She's really close to pulling what Fran did and saying to hell with the Wood and her people if they're going to be so seclusive, but Fran ends up stopping her by telling her that the solitude she'll endure for her long-lived life away from the Wood is not worth the price Mjrn thinks she'll be paying.

The Espers

"In vainglory they arose, shouting challenges at the Gods. But prevail they did not. Their doom it was to walk the Mist until time’s end."

Don't we know this story? Where scions of God/Gods get uppity and get cast down by their superiors and have to make due never returning to Heaven's grace? Well, for Terre d'Ange, this worked out pretty well. But for most, it doesn't get that good. The Gods bound each and every one of the Espers in fear of the power they were designated, and now the only way they can manifest is by being summoned by whomever holds their glyph (which, btw, any of the glyphs make badass back tattoos; I wonder if anyone has done one, yet?). However, the Espers are still badass in their own right, and while I was sad not to have the opportunity to pull out a traditional Bahamut this game around, I learned to appreciate and fangirl the myth of this created universe. I know "fake" mythology better than I know "real" ones, shit.

Belias. "Scion of darkness and guardian of the Holy Realm, made by the gods in opposition to Loghrif the Transcendent, scion of light. Called the Gigas for his appearance: man and monster fused as one. Considered a mistake upon his making, and receiving not his intended role, the Gigas challenged the gods and lost. Scorned by his masters, he found another: the Dynast-King, whose tomb he swore to protect for eternity." Representing the element of Fire and the Zodiac sign of Aries, he's the first Esper you get and WILL LIGHT YO SHIT UP.

Mateus. "Scion of darkness ruling and protecting those who live in the underworld, in opposition to Lahabrea the Abyssal Celebrant and scion of light. In the course of his rule, he submitted to avarice, and the darkness took his heart, transforming him until he was both evil and corrupt. Then in his cowardice did he bind a Goddess of the Demesne of Ice, and using her as a living shield, he challenged the gods. Defeated before their might, he fell screaming into the depths of hell, there to be imprisoned for eternity." ... that sucks for him. Pisces, in the house! And even though he's supposed to be male, I always think of Mateus as female. Probably because somewhere in my heart, I miss Shiva. LOL

Adrammelech. "Emperor among the scions, able to reduce to nothing aught he strikes with a single vengeful blow of his fist, created in opposition to Deudalephon the Benevolent, scion of light. Though he was made by the gods to quell the fiends that raged in the Otherworld, his immense strength and fearsome visage drew the fiends to his side, and turned him against his creators. Adrammelech rose to prominence in the Otherworld, whence he led a fiendish horde against the gods, but in the end, he was defeated." Trivia! His name is Hebrew, meaning "King of Lords" or something of that nature. He represents the sign of Capricorn and the element of lightning.

Zalera. "Heretic scion who wrapped the world in dark energies, seeking to take the souls of all living things unto himself. Created in opposition to Emet-Selch, Angel of Truth, and scion of light. Originally tasked with the judging of men upon their deaths, his soul was tainted by the curses of those who raged against the heavens, and seizing one of the gods' servants, a shamaness, as a hostage, he rebelled against his creators. Even now, in defeat, he clutches the shamaness to him in his right arm, and with the aid of her death-wail does he summon the soul of darkness to do his bidding." He pisses me off, because he kicked ALL SORTS OF ASS when you fight him to attain him, and then once you get him... he's pretty lame. The cake was so a lie. >( Which makes me pissed because evidently, he was based off of Sephiroth's One Winged Angel design to top it off. Anyway, his concept is cool, and takes the Zodiac sign of Gemini.

Shemhazai. "Scion that is both horse and woman, wielding utter control over the souls that wander the underworld, in opposition to Igeyorlm the Martyr, scion of light. Though she once served the gods as a guardian, when Ultima announced her rebellion, Shemhazai went to her, whispering of the gods' hidden weaknesses. She then descended upon the land without leave of the gods, and taught men of destruction and evil. For this was she stricken down and bound." When I first saw her, I mistook her name as Shahrizai, which just tells me I read too much damned Jacqueline Carey stuff, especially when I remembered that the Shemhazai also exist in Terre d'Ange, too. Element of wind, her sign is Saggitarius.

Hashmal. "Scion set by the gods to wield and manipulate the laws of this world, and with holy power lead mankind to order. Created in opposition to Fandaniel the Protector, scion of light. Desiring to bring order to all things, he joined with Ultima in her battle against the gods. He gave his body to the Thousand-Years War, and when his strength was spent, down into the burning inferno he fell." Holding the power of earth and the sign of Leo (which is... a fire sign, so I dunno why the element of earth thing), his arms scare the shit out of me.

Cúchulainn. "Scion created to rid the world of its impurities by swallowing them within himself, in opposition to Nabriales the Majestic, scion of light. The world, however, was more filled with impurity and corruption than even the gods dared imagine, and having swallowed it all, the once beautiful Cúchulainn was transformed into a hideous thing, a deity of filth, and so did he turn against his creators. Wherever his feet should fall, there all life withers to dust." Only one phrase sums up this Esper: NIGHTMARE. FUEL. Why this esper has the name of a famous Irish mythical hero, I don't know. I'm sure the Irishman looked a lot better than this. D: He represents Scorpio and the element of Poison.

Zeromus. "Honoring the law more than any other, a scion of holy order and condemner of criminals. Created in opposition to Knight-Star Pashtarot, scion of light. He turns his deep, abiding hatred for those who break the law into living darkness, therein to plunge the guilty in fell judgment. Over time, he came to care less for upholding the law and more for condemnation, and so tainted by hate, he sought to condemn the gods themselves to death. Thus, did he earn the title "The Condemner", and thus did he fall from grace." He kicked my ass. Straight up. What I remember for this battle was running around in circles screaming while half my party died admist a neverending (literally) spawn of dark skeletons and this fucker controlling them all while throwing high level spells at me, and he locked my ability to cast spells as well so I was just fucked. He represents the sign of Cancer, and the element of Gravity.

Exodus. "Most ancient of the scions, created in opposition to Halmarut the Arbiter, and scion of light. Tasked with keeping watch over the world, with the authority to judge the value of all things. As he watched, unseen, unknown, his attachment to the world dwindled, and faded until it was as nothing. Fitting that he would desire to make the world, too, as nothing. Yet he fell in the war against the gods, and was thwarted, imprisoned in punishment for his heresy." He actually doesn't have an element that I remember, but he represents Libra well enough, as he IS the Scion of Justice. He's also totally reminiscent of Exdeath in Final Fantasy V.

Famfrit. "The hideous, darkly clouded form of Famfrit, scion in opposition to Holy Queen Emmerololth, scion of light, was anathema even to his creators. Thus, after a great battle, was he broken and sealed within armor laced with wards. The confines of his armor are void of light, and so is he called the Darkening Cloud. Men fear the rain that falls from the black clouds that ooze from that giant ewer as a herald of chaos and waste." He pours water on your ass, mthfrkr. He don't play. He's also Aquarius.

Ultima. "Masterpiece among the scions created by the gods, and the mastermind of the plot to rise against them. Prior to her betrayal, she was tasked with guiding souls to heaven and aiding in their reincarnation. Called the High Seraph for her angelic wings of glimmering gold, yet it was on wings of deepest black that the tainted angel Ultima rose against the gods. Since her fall, her heart is without light, and impossible to know." Man, she's the most beautiful Esper of them all. She's also one of the hardest to get for two reasons a) She's in Giruvegan's Great Crystal, which is my LEAST FAVORITE PLACE TO GO, EVER, IN FFXII because it will kill you and it's frustrating as hell as there's no real map. The only other place that is about equal to abhor is the lower level Pharos at Ridorana. Anyway, Virgo is her Zodiac sign and holds the element of Light.

Zodiark. "Strongest of the scions created by the gods, they feared his growth, and so kept him a child. So indomitable is his strength that all things are by him twisted and pressed into oblivion. He alone fashions the laws governing all things, and administers punishment in place of the gods. So is he Keeper of Precepts, and his authority is absolute." Oh, my god. He is the ultimate badass. Also have to survive the Henne Mines to get him, which is no joke at all. He also can kill your party in one shot, and usually succeeds as soon as you enter the battle. His element is of Darkness, and he represents that kinda new Zodiac sign of Ophiuchus, the snake.

Alright, I'm done. I put more work and knowledge into that than I do my Philosophy papers, and that's sad. I know I'm missing a few characters, but hey, I'm tired. E_e; This is my own Wikipedia entry for a blog crew, and while I'm proud of my work I should most possibly be ashamed of the effort I put into this as well.

[If the name is italicized, it's on hold. If it's bolded, it's taken.]

Main protagonists

Penelo - remainsineden
Ashe - venusianpiscean
Balthier - jeweledhibiscus
Fran - et_meliora
Basch - lary_57

Minor protagonists

Larsa - azuredaydream

Major antagonists

Dr. Cid

Minor antagonists


Other minor characters

Lord Rasler
Halim Ondore IV
Al-Cid Magrace - lary_57
Old Dalan
Montblanc - holy_sorcia


Ultima - remainsineden
Exodus - kold_az_steel
Zodiark - kold_az_steel


¦ Final Fantasy XII ¤ [YOUR CHARACTER HERE] ¦
color="#4E1C92">Fantasy color="#671C92">XII ¤">[YOUR CHARACTER HERE] color="#921C6F">¦
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