Aug 21, 2006 18:50
last night was supposed to be taylor's going away party but things didn't really turn out that way. I ended up going to raja's at around one, and talking with her and elizabeth until three thirty, at which point they fell asleep and I stayed up and listened to some terrible radio station play terrible songs that ended up for some reason making me feel incredibly lonely and unhappy.
I ended up thinking about things I didn't really want to think about. I fell asleep but when I woke up I still felt that state of mind hovering, like I carried it with me, and right now I feel unexplainably uneasy.
sometimes I get sick of this constant self-regulation and self-control and keeping things in check. but I know that if I didn't I would just lose control completely. I don't trust myself.
I'm going to miss my mother so much when I leave. I'm going to miss my life so much when I leave. taylor's moving to new york wednesday, and I've seen her almost every day of my life for the past twelve years. that's monumental. that's Growing Up.
according to katlyn and elizabeth I'm supposed to be having a going away party sometime over the course of the next two weeks but I'm not holding my breath. free lacroix! is supposed to play, so that should be...entertaining. we wrote a song the other day and it actually has a pretty decent hook. I get it stuck in my head.