Dec 20, 2021 18:42
I was going to post here to comment about the fact that my userpic is now so out of date that it isn't even funny. I mean, literally, it has gone past "so old it's funny" and is now just "so outdated it's irrelevant." God. In 2004 Bush got elected again. That's how long ago that pic is from. What the absolute fuck. Those 17 years in between are fucking DOG YEARS.
On the irrelevant bright side, I gingerly accepted the invitation to "try livejournal's new editor," and it is proudly telling me it's integrated with Canva?? I like Canva! I use Canva!
I'm utterly baffled by this weird flail toward relevance on LJ's part. NOBODY USES YOU ANYMORE! (I scream, in an LJ post.)
on the other hand, the "post" or "publish" button now says "tune in and publish," so: what the actual fuck?