What I twittered today

Jun 19, 2010 17:01

  • 18:53 I! Am! So! Tired!!!!!!!!!!!! #
  • 18:53 After mandana closes I will never work another 14-hour day. #
  • 18:54 srssssslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy #
  • 18:58 Also my iPhone was taking messages and not telling me and I didn't find out til my sponsor txted me that my voicemail was full! #
  • 15:55 At the Goodwill for a 50% off sale. I kind of want to livetweet it like I'm in a video game tournament or something. #
  • 15:55 Brown pants: achieved!!! #
  • 15:56 Every suit coat here looks like something the Doctor would try on right after regenerating. Especially the velvet ones. #
  • 16:04 Can't find shorts. Too easily distracted. Plz send search dog. #
  • 16:11 Dear Twilight poster: Rich white teenagers with red eyeballs and pretentious looks on their faces are amusing, not scary. #
  • 16:13 Shorts are obviously the level boss here. Where are my fireballs? #
  • 16:14 Oh noes!!! Fireballs just incinerate the shorts while I am trying them on! Retreat! Retreat! #
  • 16:50 Ok. I think I won the shorts battle. But at what cullottest? twitpic.com/1y9lc8 #
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