Mondo Month-o-post

Sep 13, 2010 11:56

HOKAY, its been like a month- but I still care just enough to do some sum-ups.

After the awesome of ZHS, it was a lot of hangin out and playin tf2 and sc2.

A friday, kara had a party at her place with a bonfire, a little rockband, lots of awesome hangings out and food being made- potato skins at 4am are amazing.

That Saturday, adam jensen had a party at his place, with more fire, a keg, lots of beerpong, dip made out of pure fat and delicious, kyle's return from Basic, a little traditional chest shaving, and being awesome until 7am.

Then MY birthday party. The mandatory bonfire, this time with a squirt gun war. also, nerf guns and katanas. and two cans of alcoholic whipped cream. A little bit of rockband, a LOT of bit of singing along to various awesome songs and shows. And drinkin bombs all the way. at about 3am, the bandians came by and the party kept rollin. After being too loud for the neighborhood, we relocated the party to kyle's house (ran out of gas on the way- ADVENTURE!) and made another fire there as we continued to drink. Then we refused to sleep and did things like climb trees and have handstand contests until the sun came up. Jake eventually drove back to Banhammer then back to my house and crashed on the couch. it was about 10:30am when I finally took a nap. my party wins.

in the meantimes, just a lot more SC2, TF2, and Worms Reloaded. we even played SC2 with brian a couple times, despite the fact that he is in JAPAN. Also, kara and lea marie came over a couple times to hang and play Sims while I fixed up their computers and all that jazz. for the record, I'm at 360/364 TF2chieves, 2264 SC2points (more than kevin's 2265 BAZING), and everything beaten and unlocked in Worms.

Also in gamin news, kevin got WoW again (and in case I didn't blog this yet, he's in maryland and dan is in indiana) and we've been geeking out about the tons and tons of awesome stuff thats coming out in Cataclysm. I'm totally getting that bitch and seeing if i am physically able to be a casual wow player.

LNM started back up, and we got our sexy ZHS paycheck- now our focus is on this wedding gig we've lined up. We're learning some awesome wedding songs and are being awesome. Also, trying to work out cutting a CD, slowly but surely. Also, Northern Lights Chorale is also started, and its lookin just as good as ever.

Just this past weekend, I went to Jenna's party in her new apartment and it was pretty cool, despite a little drama. We had some good drinks and some good hookah. also, sex. the next day, i drove over to jamie's place and we hung out for a while, going to the zoo and going swimming a bit before hitting the couch to watch some Standup. and of course hang with Aidan as much as possible. Good times, says I.

lets see, anything else... sara bareilles' new album came out, my computer asploded so i had to get a new video card, marley is oh so very close to walking, Expendables: great movie. Iron Man 2: great movie. Prince of Persia: great movie. really, all three of em rock. pretty sweet stuff, i must say.

One Year ago in LJ: more Classless tf2ery, laura came over and we drunkenly played tf2, district 9 and all its intensery, barhoppin with LNM and katie, stealin an N, my birthday of movie-on-house and a million boozes, kevin got me a month of WoW for my birfday- Ox was at 63 at time of start. Lich King was out, but I wasn't sure if i wanted to get it. nevertheless, Oxil and Gano began THE TWOMANNENING. also, Champions Online was imminent. LNM met at lisa's place, and we started to learn Skullcrusher. I did end up getting CO, but it was merely pretty cool, and a bit unbalanced. It didn't keep me away from WoW for very long- Ox was 70 at this point, and currently Gano was 68 and we were going for Dual Talent. In tf2, the halocaust happened, katia got a new place and we LNM'd there with beer and karaoke, kara's pirate party, and various awesomenesses thereabouts.
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