The Last Regular Update

Sep 30, 2005 22:32

I've grown a bit tired of updating with selected snippets of my life, such as my classes and what video games I'm playing. However, I have a few things to say about this.

I've recently looked over my livejournal archives, and I've made some interesting insights.
-I recall the difficulty I've had in older classes, and I realize that, as I ultimately overcame such difficulties, I will most likely ovecome my current, similar, ones.
-I looked back at times when I was uncertain about what lay ahead, and when it turned out in my favor(getting into the school of my choice), and when it did not(being prevented from seing Kill Bill 2 in theaters). This signifies that, to me, worrying is wasteful if it does not inspire action to eliminate the source of it(for example, if you go back to lock the door to your house when it was unlocked, the worry was necessary for you to solve an underlying problem while if you worry about whether or not you locked your house while away, the worry is wasteful, as there is nothing you can do); whatever happens ultimately happens.
-I also look back with a newer perspective on certain issues; for example, my view of "Troy" lowered upon recollection, and I often see opinions that I don't remember expressing.

Above all, this journal, through some coincidence. has covered the period of my life in which the most dramatic changes have taken place since I've begun appreciating such changes.
-When I first wrote this journal, I was attending high school and living at home. Now, I'm attending college.
-Back in high school, Biology and Pre-Calculus AB, and later, Chemistry, were my least favorite subjects. Now, Intermediate French 202 is, partly because of the professor, who seems strict and unforgiving, the fact that she assigns lots of memorization and busywork(such as copying down what you hear people say on audio tapes), and that French is relatively less interesting and more difficult than the other subjects.
-The first review I did for this journal was "The Matrix Revolutions". The most recent one has been "The Island"(although I did make a few comments about "Being There")
-I initially talked about clarifying Final Fantasy II as "the American Final Fantasy". I most recently completed the Japanese Final Fantasy II on "Final Fantasy I and II: Dawn of Souls".
-I started my journal during my hiatus from Sissyfight. Within a few months, I returned as Gorgoth.
-Last year, my old high school newspaper ran into trouble when they published a supposedly homophobic "Personales", and this year, after the faculty advisor resigned following trouble with the administration(it is, quite literally, a long story, that took up several paragraphs on one Sissyfight post), the newspaper got a new advisor after being an "underground newspaper" for a few issues, and then filed suit against the administration's new rules.
However, some things still have not changed; I do most of my writing with word processing programs, I'm still an extremely liberal anarchist, I'm still autistic, I still have most of my old Sissyfight friends and enemies, I'm still interested in working on a newspaper, either as a writer or an editor, and I'm largely the same person, in spite of the changes in my life.

I will most likely continue to post articles, movie reviews, Jack T. Chick tract reviews(continuing about a month from tomorrow), or thoughts on certain issues, among other things, but less about my life.
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