National Blog for Choice Day

Jan 22, 2008 14:33

The 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade -- it's a date I don't always remember, but it's a decision that's very important to me. Not so much because of personal experience, or knowing people who have made that choice (though I do know of a couple of people, I was unknown or a far remove at the time), but because of what might happen and the right to choose what happens to my own body. I know that I don't want children. I don't know if I would have an abortion if I did wind up pregnant. Maybe, maybe not. I'd rather not have to make the choice... but the choice had better be available if I do, because it is my body and my life that would irrevocably change.

I'm young enough that I don't remember before Roe v. Wade. I've never had to live with the reality of not being able to consider abortion an option. But the idea that I wouldn't have that choice is appalling. It scares me to see all the steps backward the USA is taking, all the challenges to women's rights that I have grown up largely taking for granted.

[EDIT, two weeks later] Just to clarify. I don't have careless sex. I support all sorts of safe sex measures and the like. I think they're very important, and education about them is very important. The abstinence-only rules that the US has on their aid to other nations angers me. But accidents happen, even when someone's being careful, and I, personally, want the ability to control my own body should that happen to me.

women's rights, abortion

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