Jan 01, 2005 18:10
wow, it's really weird to think about what my life was like this time last year. I was still going out with remi and stuff... So much crap can happen in a year. Time. Time is so unreal. Sorry, i sound kind of corny but it is so true. I hate how when you're waiting for something you think that twenty minutes has passed since you last looked at the clock, but in reality only two minutes has gone by. It is just so surreal. hmmm, well I guess I'll come up with some resolutions...:
1. Drink more water (haha yes that commercial is so right)
2. Not worry so much about the stupid drama things that don't matter
3. Don't avoid people's eyes
4. Don't eat just because I'm bored
5. Try to branch out a little from my music that i have been listening to since like 3rd grade, aka try to find a few new bands or something.. if anyone has suggestions please let me know thaaank you
6. Try not to get so annoyed with people for just being themselves and they can't help it.
7. Actually study for my tests.