SPN x Merlin(bbc) x DW x SGA x GO x YW: Gabriel-centric crossover podfic

Apr 25, 2012 07:05

Title: 5 Ways Gabriel Could Have Returned
Author/reader: kalakirya 
Fandoms: Supernatural x Merlin (BBC) x Doctor Who x Stargate: Atlantis x Good Omens x Young Wizards
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: none
Length: 28 minutes
Author's Summary: AKA Gabriel pops in to see Arthur, chats with the Doctor, has a run-in with John and Rodney, doesn't get ahold of Aziraphale, just misses the Reconfiguration, and then goes home. AKA an excuse to get one of my favorite characters into many of my favorite fandoms. Still sad I couldn't work Marvel Loki in, but he just didn't fit *pouts* [Should still make some sense without knowledge of all fandoms, though it would help, Young Wizards in particular]
warnings: child abuse (narrowly averted), PTSD, angstangstangst
text at my LJ
Download: at mediafire

points: 5 (reader) + 3 (length) + 1(SPN) + 1(Merlin) + 5(doctor who) + 1(SGA) + 5(good omens) + 10(young wizards) + 5(SPNgen) + 5(Merlingen) + 5 (DWgen) + 5(SGAgen) + 5(GOgen) + 10(YWgen) + 0 (language) = 5 + 3 +23 + 35 + 0 = 66

fandom: good omens, my fic!, fandom: supernatural, pairing: none, fandom: doctor who, fandom: young wizards, fandom: stargate atlantis, amplificathon 2012, !podfic!, fandom: merlin

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