(no subject)

Mar 19, 2012 15:05

So the Walking Dead is over for another season.

I’m having a lot of feels about this.

Generally I think the episode was pretty awesome. I mean it was tragic and horrific and leaves you with the ominous feeling of doom but hey, it’s the apocalypse, what else can you really expect?

Anyways, things about this episode!:

Lori- What the fresh hell is wrong with you? Two episodes ago you all but told Rick to kill Shane, then when he finally does it, out of self-defence for crying out loud, you’re morally aghast?

Shane was a violent conniving sociopath that killed a kid in cold blood and broke his own face against a tree just to get your husband alone in the woods so he could murder him.

And you’re aghast because Rick killed him? Really Lori? Really?


Carol- Wait, what? Did you just try to opportunistically manipulate Daryl? I mean hey, that certainly shines a light on the darker aspect of your nature, and I’m all down for character development, but dude, that is not cool. That is so not cool it’s almost alarming. I am officially alarmed.

Daryl- You are wonderfull and badass and fandom is ready to have your babies. Just sayin.

Rick-I’m actually both amazed you held out this long and deeply saddened that this world has broken you a little. In any case though, I think you will make an excellent mostly-benine dictator.

Mysterious cloaked figure with a katana and pet zombies- I know nothing about you but I feel that you are going to be awesome.

That is all.

walking dead, recap

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