Fic: It's Just Pretend, Chapter 2

Jun 19, 2006 00:59

Title: It's Just Pretend
Author: kaladhwen, aka Mia, aka Alliana, aka...well, you get the idea.
Fandom: Star Wars, post-NJO
Rating: PG, pretty much.
Characters: Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, OC
Genre: romance, humor
Keywords: K/J, romance, humor
Summary: Jaina is forced to take interesting steps to avoid unwanted attentions from a visiting politician's son.
Author's Notes: Yay, my first SW EU story I've written all by myself. The Steiners are mine, everyone and everything else belongs to Lucas.

Thanks to sparrows_girl for betaing and offering encouragement and feedback, as well as others in my FanForce. :) Also posting this on the JCF here.

Previous chapters on LJ

It's Just Pretend
Chapter Two

The main spaceport on Denon was busy the next afternoon, humming with activity as crafts and ships of all sizes arrived, departed, unloaded, and took off with cargo or passengers. It was one of these ships that Jacen's bags were being loaded onto. Leia was giving her son a tight hug.

Jaina glanced at her chrono. The Steiners' ship had reported they'd be a little late. At this rate, they'd miss the chance to meet the famous Jacen Solo before he took off for Hapes.

"Mom," Jacen protested, trying to step back a little from her embrace. "I'll be back before you know it."

"He'll be fine, Leia," Han said, though his voice was a bit gruff as he put his arm around Jacen's shoulders.

An aide hurried up and spoke to Luke quietly. He nodded and looked around. "The Steiners are about to land. They're two pads over, that way."

The Skywalkers and Solos, including Jacen, followed the aide to wait for the Steiners' arrival. They joined President Omas and other government officials. Jaina couldn't shake off a strange feeling and glanced at her brother. He kept his gaze on the approaching ship as its landing struts extended and it lowered gently to the landing pad.

When the ramp lowered, a man who looked to be in his fifties was the first to exit. Jaina recognized him as Braxis Steiner from the holo she'd seen. In person, he seemed good-natured and easy to get along with -- of course he was diplomatic. He walked with confidence; he was a man who knew what he was doing.

He was immediately followed by a relatively handsome young man who also brimmed with confidence. Though it seemed to be a different kind of surety from that of the first man -- his attitude carried some cockiness. Rune, Jaina thought.

Steiner seemed glad to be there, but Jaina knew first impressions weren't always accurate. Greetings took place, and Cal introduced Steiner and his son to Jaina and her relatives. Everyone did the polite handshaking and proper polite greetings, which had frankly become a bore for Jaina.

Most of it passed by quickly for her this time because she was focusing on Steiner, trying to ascertain his intentions through the Force. She shook Steiner's hand and his son's quickly.

She stepped back and resumed studying them quietly. Rune was hanging back for the most part, his gaze sweeping over the group. His eyes kept landing on Jaina and she fought back a shiver.

"Welcome to Denon. It's good to meet you," Uncle Luke was saying, smiling and shaking Steiner's hand.

"Likewise," the politician replied. "You and the Jedi have done a lot for the galaxy. I confess to not knowing your group as well as I'd like to."

Luke just smiled. "We'd be happy to answer any questions. If we can help you out in any way while you're here, just let us know."

Jacen excused himself and headed for his ship, but on his way he pulled Jaina aside. "Be careful."

She frowned. "What?"

Jacen threw one last look to the Steiners. "Just be careful." He gave Jaina a hug and they watched him head for his ship.

Aides came off the Steiners' ship with their bags. More political niceties were exchanged as the group slowly moved inside. A long chain of meetings was ahead of the adults and they were late starting.

Luke was talking with Steiner and turned to Jaina. "Jaina, would you accompany Mr. Steiner's son and their aides to show them their quarters? I was supposed to but this meeting is important, and I think your afternoon is free..."

Jaina nodded. "Sure."

Her uncle smiled gratefully. "Make sure they have whatever they need." His eyes bored into hers, warning her to be on her best behavior.


The Steiners were staying in guest quarters in the government building partly to cut down on travel time to and from a hotel. Jaina was sure it was also to show them how important they were.

On the way there, Rune mentioned to her that there actually was something she could do for him. But even after her affirmative reply, he never explained what it was and they ended up walking to the rooms in silence.

"Put those bags in my room." Rune pointed to two bags one aide carried, who set them down just inside the doorway. "Put the rest in my dad's, you know how he likes his stuff unpacked and set out."

The aides nodded and went into his father's room next door, and it hissed shut behind them.

Jaina watched them and looked up at Rune. "So... you said there's something I can do for you?" It was awkward and Jaina was impatient at having to wait. She kept her hands clasped behind her back to keep from fidgeting.

"Yeah, come on in." Rune stepped inside his room and Jaina raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sure you can tell me just as easily here in the hall. What did you need?"

He looked at her face, almost studying it. Then he smiled. "You're beautiful, Miss Solo, do you know that?"

One eyebrow raised as she looked at him, very much unamused. "That's Jedi Knight Solo to you." She could tell through the Force that he was...taken with her, and there was something else she was picking up from him, too...

Rune suddenly leaned in closer -- much closer, as if he was trying to kiss her, and Jaina stepped back, now able to smell the alcohol on his breath. From what she could tell, he was sober, but it was clear he'd been drinking just enough to do stupid things like coming onto her that he'd probably regret later.

"Look, Rune -- you've obviously had a long trip, why don't you go lay down on your bed, take a long nap."

"Don't you wanna come with me?" He leaned heavily against the doorway, and she guessed that he wasn't trying to hide anymore that he'd been drinking, now that his father wasn't here.

Jaina put a hand on his chest, pushing him back a little. "Rune, I think you need a nap." What was she, his baby-sitter?

"I want a tour of Denon. I thought that's what your Master Skywalker said, that you could give me anything I wanted. Well I want a tour of Denon, with you."

Jaina sighed. "If you really need anything, once you haven't been drinking, you can ask."

She turned away but his arm suddenly snaked around her waist. "Come on, Jedi Knight Solo. Don't you wanna have a little fun?"

She scowled. He made even the words 'Jedi Knight' sound dirty. Jaina pushed at him, briefly considering using the Force, but if she did that, she might injure him, and she'd bet his father would just love that. Or Rune might get angry at the use of the Force if his family was as paranoid of it as they suspected, and they'd still be in very hot water.

"Rune, when Master Skywalker said that we could help with anything you needed, he didn't mean -- this."

"Oh, you know he did. Aren't you going to be hospitable to me like he talked about?"

Rune leaned in to kiss her and Jaina ducked, shoving him hard with her hands. It got her out of his grasp while she quickly thought of her options. He reached for her again, and Jaina blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Rune, if you don't stop, I'm going to tell your father you've been drinking."

Rune pouted, then his face cleared. Jaina was pretty sure he was used to getting what he wanted and she mentally sighed again.

"He won't believe you, it's my word against yours."

Force, he was persistent. She couldn't use weapons, or the Force, and when she took several steps backward he only followed her. She'd been told to be on her best behavior around the Steiners, but who had told Rune to behave around her?!

"Look, I have a boyfriend," she lied. "And he's not going to be very happy when he finds out you've been coming on to me."

"He doesn't have to find out." He smiled at her, making another grab for her waist. "We just want to have a little fun, right?"

She dodged and guessed that Rune thought he was actually charming when he suggested to women that they cheat on their boyfriends.

"I know you don't have anywhere to be," Rune said, reaching for her arm. "Come on. What's wrong with a little fun? No one will know you're gone."

She stared at him. He'd just given her an idea for a way out. Quickly, she ran through the list of people she could contact telepathically. Her parents? No, they were in the meeting along with her aunt and uncle. Jacen -- wait, unfortunately, Rune knew he'd just left the planet...

*Kyp!* Her connection to him along their link was just as strong as ever.

He was startled. *What, Goddess?*

*Comm me!*


*Comm me, now!*

*What should I say?*

She could sense him reaching for his comlink even as they spoke. *Anything. Anything to call me away. Say I have somewhere to be.*

She had to dodge Rune again and in seconds, her comlink went off. Rune frowned at it and Jaina grabbed it. "Jaina Solo."

"You're needed at a meeting to discuss reformation of some squadrons," came Kyp's voice.

"I'll be right there. Thank you." Jaina clicked off her comlink and Rune looked disappointed.

"Who was that?" he asked, a bit suspicious.

"It was another pilot. Looks like I do have somewhere to be." Jaina backed away quickly with a sweet, innocent smile. "Nice to meet you."

Rune was looking after her, almost agape -- and hopefully too stupid to follow her.

When she rounded the corner, still going backwards, Jaina faced forward and took off into a slow jog until she was sure he wasn't following her.

Her comlink went off again when she slowed. "Jedi Solo."

"Jaina, what was that about?"

Jaina paused, her breath caught in her throat before answering Kyp. If she told him that Rune Steiner had just been coming on to her, there's no telling what he would do. Besides, it was just a one-time thing since Rune had been drinking. He had been persistent, but basically harmless.

"It was nothing, I just needed to get away from an awkward situation. Thanks for your help."

"Of course. Everything all right?"

"Yeah, it's fine now. Thanks again."

There was a sound suspiciously like a hand smacking a forehead. "I just remembered. I forgot to get my holocube last night."

"Yeah, and I forgot to bring it today to give you. Sorry."

He chuckled. "No harm done. Hey, I haven't eaten lunch yet, do you wanna grab a bite to eat?"

She checked her wrist chrono. "It's kind of late for lunch..."

"Then we can have a late lunch. You can pick the place."

She thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

"And we could discuss squadrons if you want..."

"Shut up, Durron." She grinned.

writing, fan fiction, it's just pretend

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