Success, Failure, and Bitches.

Sep 19, 2006 14:57

Well, the whole Oxiclean on the clothes thing was a partial success.

I salvaged 3 pants and 2 shirts... but lost 4 shirts. They were really light and got hit the hardest by the ink. The clothes I salvaged weren't hit that bad anyways so... yea.

Dry cleaners didnt work at all. Sure, they lightened up several of the spots, but not enough to be okay. They didn't charge me, which was groovy.

I planned on taking the 2 shirts and pants that failed at the drycleaners, along with two other shirts I think might still be salvigiable if put through another Oxiclean soak and try that one last time before giving them up as total losses.

This is where the 'bitch' part from my title comes into the equasion.

Last time an ink pen exploded in the dryer, it coated the inside of the dryer with ink. Nothing really gets it out except putting another load of clothes through it... and the ink tends to rub off on the clothes and stain them a little, but its not bad cause that tends to wash off the next time I do laundry. No big deal at all really.

Well, Natalie had a load of white delicates in the washer at the time it happened... so it was her load of whites that rubbed off the ink from inside the dryer.

That pissed her off BAAAAD... not to mention the 2 days she couldn't do laundry because I was soaking Alex's stuff in the washer.

That got a hair up her ass BAD... so much so she ended up burning 3 meals of her own so bad she ended up having to throw away a pot. (Which was OURS, by the way... she stole it and was constantly using it no matter what we did to try and keep it away from her... now she went and burnt it so bad its ruined and she threw it away)

Alex and I laughed about it... until today when I went to go do the Oxiclean soak again on the last few bits of clothes that might still be salvaged... and found out Natalie used up all my Oxiclean.

I bought one of those small jars of it, and hadn't even used 3/4ths of it on the first soak... she went and used all of it on her white clothes that got nailed by the dryer ink... in deliberate retaliation. She was purposefully trying to piss us off.

It worked.

Alex and I don't know what we're going to do to her for this... but this shit has to stop.

She ate all my ice cream yesterday too, not to mention still hasn't paid the light bill ...which is now almost a month late. I know it isnt paid because its still sitting on the mail table beside the door, all proped up on display... Like she expects us to pay a bill thats in her name for her. Fuuuuuck THAT.

We're getting tired of this shit again. She's been doing that passive aggressive "I steal your shit when you aren't looking, then put the empty container back where I got it from... MAHAHAHA!" THING again... and if we confront her about it, she'll just deny everything and try to twist it around against us and call us crazy.

So... we're going to start looking into getting a home loan from the bank. We've been talking about it for the past few days anyways... this just spurred us into action a bit sooner than we expected.

Fuck this shit... the house is crappy anyways and we're tired of dealing with her drama.

We're going to try and get a couple acres of land out in the country and plunk a little modular home down on it as a starter home. Not our first choice, but all the places around here are in teh ghetto where odds are I'm going to get shot at for being white... and the houses that AREN'T in bad places are priced INSANELY high for their size/condition... not to mention are all shitty little victorian homes that need more work done to them than what they're trying to sell them for.

So yea... a couple acres of land in the country with a modular home on it is about the best we're going to get around here. At least with these we can basically get a custom build home for a fraction of what it would normally cost... so I think that makes up for the fact its basically a trailer without wheels.

Oh yea, I'm also considering going back to school and becoming a psychologist... probably either a teenage/child therapist or marriage councelor. Not quite sure yet... theres so many braches of psychology I could go into, and they're all interesting to me.

I've always had a love for psychology, even as a child. Hell, thats what got me into RPGs. I enjoy the psychological portions of gaming... of making a little person and I get to peek inside their head and know exactly what makes them tick and what events shaped them into the people they are. Facinating stuff, really... so I guess it makes sense that I'd make a good psychologist for a living. At least I'll be doing something I enjoy, make good money, and I can go anywhere in the country and have a job.

Only problem is figuring out how to get back into college, what classes I need to take, and trying not to freak out about being in a school environment again. @_@'
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