Collected from O...

Jan 20, 2009 09:14

Politely contributing, sinking to the lowest common denominator and bickering... posting.

January 7, 2008 - 8:32pm
Yep, still rude
Seems like "open discussion" only remains so when nobody disagrees with you because otherwise you insult them. Also, you may want to use spell check before getting on your high horse when it comes to recognizable writing... "the the L word" instead of "the L Word" (maybe it deserves the double "the" because it's that amazing, eh?), "your completley oblivious" instead of "you're completely oblivious"... tsk tsk. :)
Actually, rude is a compliment and a complete overestimation of your intellect on my part. You are indeed retarded. Posting that little 101 paper for someone who is now on her 5th season. Did you miss the part where it mentioned that a good plot has a beginning, a middle and an end? Or did U want to see everything come together in episodes 1 and 2? Because then there would not be much left to show in the remaining episodes... am I going too fast for you? :)
Now dear, how many other TV shows are a mere "tedious perception" of reality and bear the "stamp of unoriginality"? Are they... **drum roll**... fictional? Like the L Word? :)

November 13, 2008
Biased, much?
Erin, sorry U had that annoying thing happen. It doesn't, however, seem like he did it JUST because he's a man... a woman could have had just as little sensitivity and loudmouth-iness. U should call your blog "Sh*t I Dislike @ My Boss, Who, By the Way, Happens To Be a Man."

And then U could give us a list of all the other ways in which he's a douchebag, including his loudmouth and inflated paycheck.
Or U could have kept your blog focused on actual male unsexiness, like too much hair in odd places, no uterus, no uterus, no uterus and not so much as a uterus. Do U catch my drift?

November 5, 2008
Why, U must B wondering,
did proposition 8 (aka proposition hate, or hatoration 8) succeed in doing damage.
One thing that is not being said, which is absolutely true, is that when gays R allowed to marry they instantly become straight and then they fuck other people's wives. I'm sure the people who voted did so w/ that in mind. Same w/ lesbians. They marry their women, then become straight and proceed to fuck your husband in the middle of the street and/or at his place of work.

Then U just stand there like Eddie Izzard or Robert Deniro repeating, "U fuck my wife? U fuck my wife? U fuck my wife?"
And then U still can't get over it. So U keep on, "U fuck my wife, eh? U fuck my wife, huh?" And then U tilt your head just like Deniro and start walking everywhere in killer high heels just like Eddie Izzard. Absolute trauma.
And then the gays, to make it worse, go after U like that guy in the movie There Will Be Blood and just start going like "I drink your milkshake! I drink your milkshake! I drink your milkshake!"

And that's the scientific explanation that allowed the haters to win.
September 23, 2008
U didn't single handedly do anything to destroy the camaraderie on this forum. I admire your sensitivity to other people's discomfort and your unguarded conciliatory disposition.

September 14, 2008
I posted this some time ago
on another thread. Thought I'd post it here as well--for diagnosis purposes.
U R addicted to the The L Word when:
1. U spend your life on this website.
2. For U, Tibette isn't a country, Danish isn't a pastry, Dylena is a name that makes perfect sense.
3. U can easily decipher initials like KM, IC, OC, LuH, JB, UHH.
4. Vancouver is suddenly a place U strongly want to visit during a certain time of the year.
5. Sunday nights R good... ehehehe, 'nuff said.
6. U know what OMFG1 & OMFG2 are.
7. Smack dab in the middle of the 21st century, U felt compelled to watch a movie about dance... made in the 80's... AND you thought it was hot...
8. Your friends R fucking sick of hearing U talk @ TLW. But U don't mind.

How many did U say yes to?
Oh, and it seems I have to amend the list to include knowledge about "let's do it sex" and "honey honey sex."

September 2, 2008 - 10:40pm
You need space? Woman, you ARE space!

Space is what made U the person U R today--not just the metaphysical definition of space, but the psycho-social and interpersonal one as well. When that significant other (SO) meets U, usually U have been shaped by all the space, in all its forms, that U've had throughout your life. And it's a bit senseless to give that up once U get 2gether.
I, for one, want my space so that I can get together w/ my friends, who have also kept their spaces, and socialize. And by socialize I really mean ask them what size, shape, color and texture their partners' love organs are. I know. I'm weird. But if there is one thing that many of us women have in common, is the ability to talk about EVERYTHING in intimate detail. And U can't really enjoy that particular facet of space if U give that up to spend time w/ your SO or if U drag your SO along w/ U everywhere, now can U?
And if U get to hear some negative stories about love organs, U will develop a new sense of cherish towards the one U now have access to. Hear about some relationship issues, develop the ability to put yours in perspective.

Think of yourself as a quilt. Every time U take advantage of space, new stitches and patterns and colors appear on that quilt--the result of your interactions w/ other people, the product of the many types of non-romantic social relationships and circles U have moved through before U met your SO. Your unique quilt is what captured your SO's attention. If U give up space, your quilt loses its richness. U lose your novelty. Your SO, now w/ a poorer quilt of his/her own, grows tired of your barren, still pattern. So everybody, please keep your space. And socialize. Heheheheheh...

August 29, 2008 - 2:46pm
So weird
Terribly sleep deprived but unable to sleep last night, I decided to have a glass of white wine. I was so spacey that it must have taken me 10 minutes to open the bottle--my mind kept wandering and I had to verbally tell myself to stop and focus. I then went to bed, and dreamed I was at some sort of luxury resort, touring vineyards and high-fashion stores--I kept seeing the same vineyard in the dream, having the same lavish lunch and then on to the same fashion store, time and again, which made the dream very relaxing, pleasant and peaceful. Everything kept repeating itself until at some point, the food served for lunch was different. And then instead of the fashion store, I was led to a demonstration of pearl extraction. Yeah--pearls.
The people in the tour would get sharp knives and would get to extract a pearl and keep it. Everyone got to work. I approached my mollusk, knife in hand. I whispered to it, "Listen, do I have to kill you to get the pearl?" To which it said, "Obviously." And then it smiled. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. The mollusk just sat there, with a very polite demeanor, and looking very bored.
I faced it again but I could neither think of anything appropriate to say nor extract the pearl. It was a very uncomfortable silence and it turned the dream so sour that I woke up.

August 21, 2008 - 4:42pm
Good pum-pum is complex and elusive
I need a second blog about good pum-pum. There's so much to say about it! Gloria, R U gonna write more about it?
Have U ever met self-professed good pum-pum?
Clingy, needy good pum-pum?
Aloof, cooler-that-thou good pum-pum?
Nice, self-assured and not boastful good pum-pum?
Are all these types of good pum-pums to be treated the same way when the relationship is not going so well?
Good pum-pum doesn't grow on trees. There should be an International Good Pum-Pum Treaty. A book on good pum-pum (good pum-pum for dummies?)An all-inclusive "how-to guide to good pum-pum". The police should be allowed to pum-profile. The food pyramid should mention the appropriate daily serving of good pum-pum. The soon-to-happen democratic party convention should devote some time to the topic of good pum-pum. The world needs good pum-pum!!!!!

April 24, 2008 - 2:39pm
Well, thank God someone said it
It's about time someone spoke of the serious problem that are earthquakes caused by gay sex. We need more intelligent and objective ppl such as the religious dude mentioned in the article, who must surely have a PhD in geology, to address the other scourges that gay people have brought upon humanity (global warming, black holes, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, coffee shops, defective hard drives and apocalypse, to name a few.)

April 21, 2008 - 5:45pm
Vote for Marlee tonight: 1-800-868-3412
Ok, ppl, it's been a week and Marlee will be on again. Let's show our support.
U know the drill: at about 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time, call
1-800-868-3412 ten times.
If U have both a land line and a cellphone, call from both.
If there R friends around U, have them call as well. Knock on your neighbors' doors and have them call the number. Then make your neighbors call their relatives and order them to call as well. Then threaten your neighbors' relatives with violence if they don't call their friends and demand that they vote for Marlee. Wait, I'm not done yet.
Go outside. If U see ppl, take their cellphones away by force and call. Don't forget: it's 10 times.
Go to the phone company's headquarters in your city. Take over their operation and have every phone number they have ever sold and serviced call 1-800-868-3412 ten times. Anybody in Washington, DC? Can U sneak into the White House? If so, do that and call 1-800-868-3412 from every phone terminal in there.
Are there any phone lines at the Pentagon? Can I trust one of you to go in there and call the number from all their lines? Thanks :)

March 3, 2008 - 4:16pm
Max and communication

Kudos to D. Shea for the performance during the sex scene!! She worked it! :)
It really made my heart race and surprised me a bit that there wasn't any communication between Max and the other guy. After all, it was Max’s first time being penetrated by another male. There was communication between Shane and Molly: both expressed doubt (Shane asked Molly if she was sure about it), and excitement and surprise (Molly saying “boobs” when Shane took off her shirt and also saying “you’re wet”). They even asked for feedback during the act (Molly’s hand in Shane’s nether region and Molly asking if she was doing it well) and established limits and boundaries (Molly said she was not ready for oral).
Max and the other guy just went wham bam slam!! Maybe it’s just different w/ guys…?
Anyway, thanks for the podcast, and thanks for the L Word.

P.S.: I love Max's fluidity. I used to hate him when he was transitioning and became nasty towards Jenny but really warmed up to him when he started to deal with his issues introspectively.
His reasons for deciding against top surgery were very compelling and sensible as well.

November 22, 2007 - 2:35am
Just goes to prove how different

...the opinions on this board can be. I, for one, would LOVE it if Jodie spoke more. Sorry for my lack of film jargon to explain my fondness for her voice but I think that her ability to alternate between verbal and non-verbal speech is, in the most sophisticated way I can put it, totally awesome. Like in that scene when she told Bette she didn't like children because they get in the way of sex. And then that breath-taking argument she had, right in front of Bette, with another deaf person--using mostly sign language. I felt a pang of something... must have been jealousy of Jodie because I suspected the subtitles couldn't possibly explain the complete range of what was being said between the 2 persons using sign language, a problem I would not have had if they had just spoken. I thank U, IC, for bringing yet another dimension to the L Word. So please, GIVE ME MORE JODIE and MORE OF HER VOICE! :)

And 01xCI_UF, you used "annoying" to describe Jodie's voice... and Max's voice... and Alice's voice... Since those voices have nothing in common, you may either have a faulty perception of what they really sound like, in which case I'd recommend a hearing aid, or a faulty method to express your opinion of said voices, in which case I'd recommend a dictionary or sign language.

November 8, 2007 - 10:39pm
The comeback of the representational debate!!

In the past, I have seen people annoyed at not seeing more racial variety among the cast, and at not seeing a wider spectrum of physical appearance and alternative gender identity in the characters.
Wannaplay302 is bringing this representational debate back, but this time it's focused on sexual orientation. Am I safe to assume that you believe the L Word should have more gay actors because in general, casting directors unduly take more than acting skills into consideration and decide to (not) hire based on sexual orientation?
Well, I think that repeating the same process in the opposite direction to benefit gay actors wouldn't necessarily be correct. To assume so would be a fallacy. In her post, Wannaplay302 is "bothered or not quite understanding of why the majority of the cast in a lesbian based show are straight off the screen(…)" By agreeing with her, Jmrobicheau, you are using the same logic used to exclude gay actors from hetero roles, therefore validating it.

I remember seeing something along the lines of "the L Word is entertainment only; we don't have the obligation to take everyone's views into consideration" and I believe that applies to your post, Wannaplay302. A thoughtful discussion, Jmrobicheau, would have certainly ensued had the premise been equally thoughtful. Instead, it assigns responsibility where it doesn't belong. Because the L Word is not owned by a non-profit organization aimed at correcting the imbalance of opportunity between gay and hetero actors. It is fictional and the cast's sexual orientation does not subtract from the show's appeal. Actually, Showtime will cancel it if it fails to generate revenues and popularity, to have a cast of the best quality, with the best chemistry ever, with the availability that fits the filming schedule. If the show fails to do that, it will be canceled whether or not the cast has a "…little more in common (for lack of a better word) with their character", to quote Wannaplay302.

November 7, 2007 - 1:10pm
I know how U feel
Just saw a preview for Terminator 3, starring Kristana Loken (sp?), who is also on the L Word. And I'm a bit bothered that she is human off the screen. No super strength or x-ray vision. But this just tops the cake: Tom Hanks is NOT an astronaut! What the hell, wasn't he in Apollo XI or Apollo XII or Apollo BYOB? Oh, the deception! My eyes are red from crying.

July 31, 2007 - 8:06pm
Sorry for the misunderstanding
When U said 'tossed around', I thought U meant that the young girls, being shallow and promiscuous, would not try to have relationships and just stuck to 1 night stands. I see that U actually meant they R being lead on and then get disappointed. It all just sounded as if U were blaming the young girls for not wanting relationships, when U were instead talking about mature women with predatory sex habits.
I am totally with U.

July 28, 2007 - 12:54pm
Curious choice of words
U said: "...sad to see some of these young girls tossed around from one woman to the next."
Tossed around? U mean like objects? Might U have wanted to say "choose to go from one woman to the next"? Because I am sure U have had more than 1 partner in your life. Were U also tossed around from 1 past partner to the next?

July 21, 2007 - 7:01am
Subconscious gayness... that wot U R accusing heteros of having? :)
I was having a talk @ that w/ my homophobic co-workers but it got nowhere because I am just not as articulate as U. Didn't really know how to get my point across. Wot I do know, though, is that I LOVE seeing women and my subconscious is well aware of that. Never slept with one as I'm a hetero myself but I do browse V. Secret catalogues even though I wouldn't even conceive of buying, let alone wearing, their stuff (except sports bras). And it's not just in print. Shows like Alias (Jennifer Garner), movies like Iris (Kate Winslet--ok, I gotta try not to melt now) also hold my attention because of the high appeal those women have to me and I don't really let my subconscious disguise my attraction as something else. I hope I don't end up in therapy for not letting it do its job...

Great article! Thanks!
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