Jan 29, 2005 17:02
13 Are any of you wise or sensible? Then show it by living right and by being humble and wise in everything you do. 14 But if your heart is full of bitter jealousy and selfishness, don't brag or lie to cover up the truth. 15 That kind of wisdom doesn't come from above. It is earthly and selfish and comes from the devil himself. James 3:13-15
I've been thinking a whole lot today and I've come to the conclusion that I am soo selfish and I hate that! Why is it as a teenager we all want sooo many things that we obviously do not need.. I mean we don't need 30 pairs of shoes, a collection of dvds, nice cars, computers, etc. Yet we all still ache for all these things. Although I am one of the few teenagers who doesn't get everything I want, and I'm not saying every teenager does or that we are all spoiled rotten, but I don't have a lot of the things that so many of my friends do.. But I am very blessed, I do have tons of shoes, clothes, makeup, basicly all the girly stuff I have in abundance.. Yes I get a lot of things that I don't need to but I wouldn't say I'm the most fortunate person at all. But still I want lots of things and I'm not thankful enough for what I do have. I want a new computer soo bad, ask Britt you don't even know how bad mine is and I'm not lieing at all, I want a car of mine own and it doesn't even have to be really nice, I want more clothes, I want a digital camera, I want all new makeup, I want all new furniture for my room, I want really cute prom shoes, and expensive jewelry.. and soo much more. But why am I just not thankful for the computer that I do have that although I can't really do anything on it and it's soo frustrating, but it works, why can't I just be satisfied with Dad's car untill I can afford to buy one myself, and the camera I have is nice why does that not make me happy, or the new closet I got that is double the size of my last one because I had too many clothes and now this one is full but I still want more, why am I not happy with all the things I have?
My parents are two of the most hard working people I have ever met and they DO NOT get half the credit they deserve.. They work thier butt off for practically nothing and what they do get goes straight to me and my siblings.. Yes they are suppose to pay for my food, enough clothing to keep me warm, a house for me to live in, and things I need for school but they aren't suppose to give me all I want.. Yet I still want soo much from them.. This has probably been the best Christmas we have had in a long time because for the first time it wasn't all about Joetta, Aaron and I.. and that felt soo good.. I hate seeing them sit and watch us open presents after opening their very few. It breaks my heart.
I hate this feeling. I wish it was back to the Little House on the Prairie days when everyone was happy with just getting a new pair of shoes once a year..
Right now all I want is a job.
I don't care if I don't go out and do things on weekends, ballgames or anything entertaining, sure it would bother me to see all my friends having fun but I don't wanna spend anymore of my parents money.
I want to pay them back for my prom dress, pay for all of my beta trip, have my own money to go out, pay for my own car, buy my Mom a new house, my dad a new truck, and give them both everything they've ever wanted..
I don't wanna be soo selfish and jealous of what everyone else has anymore. It only leaves bitterness.