Oct 08, 2009 19:59
So, a few months back, I commented that my family-reunion-spawned vacation was not much of a vacation, and that a cruise sounded good. So guess what!
My original plan was doing a mother-daughter cruise, where my mom and Ky's mom would come, too, but my mom chickened out, so instead, it's just me and Ky (my flat-mate). We're doing a 5-night Caribbean cruise, leaving out of Tampa, FL on Nov. 30th with stops in Grand Cayman and Cozumel, returning to Tampa on Dec. 5th. All that's left to buy are the plane tickets, which I'll be purchasing tomorrow. Total works out to about $1700 for the both of us (about $850/person).
Yeah, the way I worded that sounds pretty blah, but we are so totally JAZZED for this trip! I mean...yeah. WOW!!!
My biggest worry is how the cats are going to fare home alone for a week. I've asked the neighbor (who has two cats of her own) to keep an eye on them, but the woman leaves her 12-year-old daughter at home alone with five other 8- to 12-year-olds for a slumber party, so...yeah. I'm thinking about finding alternative arrangements. In reality, they should be fine for a week alone--big dish of water plus the water fountain, their litterbox is self-cleaning and their food dishes hold up to 6 days' worth of food and are on timers, so in terms of food, water, and litter, they're good to go for a week. But...what can I say, I'm a worrywart when it comes to my Squeakers. I know that if they're left totally alone for a week, the apartment's going to be a DISASTER when we get home, so we definitely need someone to at least drop by and check on them every day.
In other news, it's apparently a very good time to be a web designer in search of work because I got two job offers last week--and I'm not even LOOKING for a job. Put a bid in on the one contractual job offer and sent my résumé off to the other, haven't heard anything back from either. But, hey. Like I said, not looking for a job.