All calm and peaceful on the surface, but paddling like mad underneath.
I'm surprised certain people (not naming any names *coughariancough*) haven't pestered me about not posting here.
My life in a bulleted list:
- School.
- 3 3-credit classes (E-Commerce, Sociology 101, and a class that's essentially an Independent Problems or Senior Seminar type class).
- One 6-credit Internship (which I'm doing freelance work for since I can't seem to find anyone in Minneapolis who will work with me long-distance).
- Work--we're up to 87 rats now.
- Fun
- Online roleplaying.
- Movie-watching (yay for 6 seasons of Stargate SG-1!!!).
- Book-reading (Harry Potter, Golden Compass, and Velgarth books, not necessarily in that order or all at the same time).
And...yeah, that's basically all that's going on in my life. No boys, nothing really in the way of a social life unless you count the online roleplaying. I do get out and go to movies and stuff, but that's usually by myself or with my dad.
I've really gotten into the life of a computer programmer--up coding until unholy hours of the night (or morning), go to bed, get up late morning, crank on the music, and start coding again. Lots of Mountain Dew, jerky, crackers, chicken, and pasta. Did I mention Mountain Dew? I've practically been living on that stuff lately. It's kinda fun, actually. *grins*