Aug 02, 2007 22:24
Work's been insane...but lotsa fun. I love my job. And once again, it reaffirms to me that my change of career from vet med to wildlife biology. I'm finally about to get paid for the last ELEVEN WEEKS of work...since that never got sorted out 'til last Friday. So next Friday, I get a $3,500 paycheck (that's AFTER taxes).
But that's not what amazes myself. I realized this afternoon that I was eating out too much--I had Jack-in-the-Box for lunch yesterday, a Main Squeeze fruit smoothie for dinner yesterday, Jack-in-the-Box for lunch today, and McDonald's for dinner tonight. And earlier in the week, I had a Subway sandwich and smoothie for lunch.
Now, I don't feel too bad about the Subway or the Main Squeeze, 'cause at least those're relatively healthy. But the JitB and the McD's...I should know better. Especially since I'm 30 pounds overweight (not that you can really tell it from looking at me...I was shocked when I found out I weigh 180).
So tonight, I inventoried all the fresh, frozen, dried, and canned goods in my house, and made a meal plan to last between tomorrow morning and next Friday, when the paycheck comes in (and also when I go up to my parents' house for their 'open house' they're having). And actually, I shouldn't have to spend any of that paycheck on groceries for at least another week after that, because of all the food in my house. I have four meals' worth of potatoes (or more if I have one with some other food instead of two as a whole meal); I've got seven meals of home-raised frozen meats; seven or eight meals' worth of pasta (though only 3 meals' worth of pasta sauce...); sandwich fixings (which started as omlette fixings, but I finished off the eggs the other day); and numerous other foodstuffs.
And planned out, with enough food to be a meal without over-stuffing myself, I've got at least two weeks' worth of food, maybe even three...three square meals a day, with fresh produce and good, healthy foods, and roundly balanced with protein, carbs, and other good-for-your-body stuff.
Now, if I can just keep doing this every week... I actually signed up for this "Fresh + Healthy" magazine subscription (among other perks), and wow...some of the recipes/meals in there look really, incredibly yummy, and they're insanely healthy and rather inexpensive to buy the ingredients for... So hopefully, that'll keep me motivated. The one issue of the magazine I've gotten so far was worth the $12/year subscription fee; I can just imagine what the other issues'll be like.
Overall, I'm fairly healthy...I've got a couple emotional problems going on, but I'm slowly working through those; I'm insanely busy, and despite the fact that it'll be hectic, I'm looking forward to this thing at my parents', 'cause it will get me far away from all my responsibilities down here for a couple days and let me breathe and re-center. What's taking up most of my time right now is work, RP'ing and Swing Club...we're still trying to sort out a day of the week and a time for the Club...but hopefully by tomorrow or early next week, we'll have that fixed. We're organizing a recruitment event for the first week of classes, our first workshop/community performance for the second week of classes, and our first weekend workshop for late September/early October.
As for the RP'ing, I'm co-admining a new DRoP RP site, and we just opened yesterday--one week from getting the site to having it (almost completely) built and opened, so I spent many, many hours cranking out that site (averaged about 12 hours a day on it...not to mention my 6-8 hours a day at work! Fortunately, I don't work weekends, so most of the time I spent working on it was on Saturday and Sunday, about 36-40 hours of work those two days, and about 4-6 hours a day for the other days).
And work's been insane. We had to draw blood from all our rats so they could be tested for diseases--if they come back negative for everything, then it means we can take them out of quarantine and quit wearing the evil, hot-n-sweaty "bunny suits" and respirator masks. It'll make running our behavioral experiments so much easier to not be clunking around in suits and having these giant masks hanging off our faces.
I should go to bed now...have to be back at work in 12 hours. Wee!!!