Oct 20, 2008 15:59
So that's how it is, Mitty?
Give the kiddies a weekend to spend with the folks, a small break to be happy and restock and spend some good time with their parents who we rarely get to see...
Then toss three quizzes and problem sets on Tuesday and Wednesday?
Yup, apparently so.
Lemme restate: it's PARENT WEEKEND. Yes we're at MIT, yes it's supposed to be hard, yes we have a shitload of work constantly.
But...piling everything on, during a weekend YOU give us to be with people we miss a lot? That's kinda low.
I'm sorry I haven't been working on solving the collision problem in a gas simulation or deciphering the proper pronounciation for "chizadiwizu" in the Cree Indian accent or writing a proper crowd simulation. I've been a little busy being with my mom and dad, who, btw, I won't get to see again for a long time. Clearly I'm at fault here.
...I need an actual break for a change.
school blah